GUILDERLAND- Is your child a picky eater? Do you feel anxious about meal time, stressed when they won’t try new foods, and worried about the lack of variety in their diet? If so, you’re not alone! In this virtual two-part series on Thursdays, Nov. 4 and 18, at 7 p.m. entitled “Overcoming Picky Eating and Raising Intuitive Eaters!” we’ll cover:
• letting go of the stress and anxiety around feeding your picky eater
• making family mealtimes more peaceful
• learning strategies to help your child build comfort around new foods without having to pressure, beg, or bribe them
• navigating how to handle sweets
• encouraging your child to trust their own body to guide their eating – the key to developing a lifelong healthy relationship with food
Put an end to mealtime battles and begin cultivating your child’s desire for healthy foods – sign up on the Events tab of our website for the Zoom link. Presented by Mariel Baron, a local Registered Dietitian, owner of Mariel Baron Nutrition, and mother of two young girls.
Fall Card Project
Our popular card project with Community Caregivers is back! All ages are welcome to spread joy to someone who may feel lonely or isolated and could use a boost.
Create or repurpose one or more cards no larger than 5” x 7”
Optional: add an uplifting message inside your card and/or sign it
Envelopes will be provided by Community Caregivers, and they will address and mail all cards received
Drop off your card(s) in our lobby by Saturday, Nov. 6. Thank you for participating!