Speak English Confidently
Every Wednesday from 6:30-7:30 PM, English learning adults who want to improve their speaking skills can go to the Colonie Library for casual, friendly conversation. Registration is not required
Stay and Stitch
Bring your knitting, crocheting, sewing or any stitching project to the Colonie Library and enjoy socializing with fellow crafters! Upcoming dates are Saturday, December 31 and January 14 from 1:00-2:30 PM. Open to adults and teens. Please register at libr.info/StayStitch or call 518-458-9274.
Patron Picks
Share your book recommendations with the library community! Adults, teens and children can nominate their books using the form on their website, colonielibrary.org, or at the library. Recommendations can be submitted throughout the month of January.
This story was featured on page 7 of the December 27, 2023 print edition of the Spotlight news