Colonie man arrested for stealing 500k from estate
COLONIE – On Friday, Feb. 17 the State Police Financial Crimes Unit with the assistance of the State Police – Bureau of Criminal Investigation in Latham, arrested Roy K Nestler, 55, of Colonie, for grand larceny, a felony.
The investigation determined Nestler stole in excess of $500,000 from the estate of a deceased person while acting as the attorney for that estate.
Nestler was arraigned in the Town of Colonie Court and released on recognizance. The case has been moved to Albany County Court.
Arrest for June incident at Colonie Center
COLONIE – Colonie police arrested a 27-year-old Schenectady man at the Albany County jail on Wednesday, Feb. 15 on a warrant issued for a June incident at the Perfume Outlet at Colonie Center.
Pashton Rafiqie was charged with grand larceny and criminal mischief – damaging others property, both felonies, and conspiracy, a misdemeanor.
He was arraigned by Colonie Judge Norman Massry.
Man in camo with backpack on a fence at High School
COLONIE – Colonie police responded to Colonie Central High School on Wednesday, Feb. 15 at 11:15 a.m. for a report of a man hanging on the front fence of the school dressed in camouflage and carrying an orange backpack.
The school first issued a shelter in place order for the High School and Roessleville Elementary School, but once police determined he was not inside the school, the schools went into lockout. The order was lifted once police found Darren Larose, 35, of Albany, at the scene and taken into custody. After an investigation, it was determined that he had an active State Department of Corrections parole warrant.
Larose was taken into custody and transported directly to the Albany County jail.
No license, stopped in the road and very drunk on Wilkins Avenue
ALBANY – A 30-year-old Albany man was observed by Colonie police on Friday, Feb. 17 at 4:51 p.m. stopped in the roadway on Wilkins Avenue in his black Chevy Silverado.
Officer observed that Manuel Tacuriquizhpi had bloodshot and watery eyes, a strong odor of an alcoholic beverage emanating from his breath and had poor motor skills.
He was given an appearance ticket for Colonie Town Court for Monday, Feb. 27.
Panhandler with three active
COLONIE – A man panhandling at the entrance to the Northway Mall was found to have three outstanding warrants by Colonie police on Monday, Feb. 20 at 11:52 a.m.
Carmen Palella, 52, of Albany, was taken into custody, transported to the town line and transferred to City of Schenectady police to face one felony and two misdemeanor warrants from the City of Schenectady.
No registration, or license,
felony warrant
COLONIE – Colonie police stopped a vehicle on Central Avenue near the intersection of Killean Park for traffic violations and found the driver was wanted.
Dwayne McDuffie, 40, of Schenectady, was driving a vehicle that had a suspended registration, did not have a valid driver’s license and had an active felony warrant from Scotia.
He was taken into custody and turned over to Scotia police.
Hurt in accident, arrested for
ALBANY – A 40-year-old Schenectady man was arrested for an outstanding warrant at Albany Medical Center Hospital on Tuesday, Feb. 21 at 3:18 a.m. by Colonie police after he was in a personal injury auto accident in the city, then turned over on another warrant.
Jamaal Morton failed to appear in Colonie Town Court in September and was taken into custody after he was cleared by the hospital. He was processed then transported to the Albany County Sheriff’s office for another warrant.
Warrant arrest
at Econo lodge
COLONIE – Colonie police responded to a call at the Econo Lodge on Central Avenue on Wednesday, Feb. 22 at 2:53 a.m. and found the subject of the call was wanted by Schenectady police.
Denise Wurzburg, 46, of Schenectady, was taken into custody on the strength of the warrant and turned over to Schenectady police.
Bench warrants from jail
COLONIE – Teivion Degny, 18, of Albany and Joseph Mallgraf, 32, of Cohoes were brought over from the Albany County jail on Wednesday, Feb. 22 to Colonie police to face charges because they failed to show up for court.
They were both processed and arraigned.
DWI on 787
MENANDS – On February 9 at about 10:13 p.m., State Police stopped a vehicle on I-787 in Menands for multiple Vehicle and Traffic Law violations. The driver was identified as a 36-year-old Troy woman. Roadside sobriety testing was performed on her which indicated intoxication. The woman was arrested and transported to SP Lathan for processing, where she provided a breath sample that returned a 0.09 percent BAC.
The woman was issued tickets returnable to the Menands Village Court on March 14 and released to a sober third party.
Bench warrant on Memory Lane
COLONIE – Colonie police responded to a Memory Lane house on Wednesday, Feb. 22 for a call for service and found a woman at the residence had an outstanding warrant from Colonie Town Court.
Nikia Thompson, 44, of Princetown, was taken into custody, processed and arraigned for not showing up for court.