The number one law of Journalism is, “Consider the source.” Wikipedia, TV ads, the internet and YouTubers just won’t do when you are facing the decision to be fit with a hearing aid that may need to span a half of a decade of daily use. Everyone seems to have an opinion, but there is someone who actually has answers.
Curtiss Lowe has been in the hearing field for years and he’s coming to the Albany area to collectively relieve some of the stress associated with an individual’s decision to get serious about their hearing health.
“I know of no other presenter and trainer that does a better job of simplifying the topic of hearing aids so that prospective and seasoned users alike can be comfortable with this big decision,” said Robert J. LaCosta, BC-HIS of Glenmont’s HEARt Ear Boutique.
By appointment only, Lowe will meet one-on-one with interested prospective hearing aid users from July 31-August 6 as the guest of HEARt Ear in Glenmont and Coxsackie. You may arrange a personal profile and evaluation by calling 518-435-1250.