Man reports accident at station, charged with aggravated DWI
DELMAR – A 40-year old Glenmont man entered the Bethlehem police station on Wednesday, June 28 at approximately 8:06 a.m. to report he was involved in a two-car accident at the intersection of Route 9W and Feura Bush Road a half-hour earlier.
While a later investigation found no evidence of the accident, there was plenty of evidence, according to reports, that the man was drunk.
A patrol officer responded to the station to talk to the man and observed that he had no visible injuries, but did have his black polo shirt on inside out, had slurred speech, watery bloodshot eyes and had an odor of an alcoholic beverage emanating from his breath.
A second officer arrived at the station and noticed that the man parked his 2005 Toyota Carolla in a parking space marked “Police Vehicle Parking Only, Chief of Police.”
In the back parking lot of the police station, he was given and failed field sobriety tests and tested positive for breath alcohol on a pre-screening device. The man was taken into custody for DWI and walked into the station.
When inside, at approximately 9:38 a.m., he provided a breath sample that returned a .28 percent BAC. The legal limit is .08 and the threshold for aggravated DWI is .18.
The man was charged with aggravated DWI and given an appearance ticket for Tuesday, July 18 for Bethlehem Town Court.
Further investigation by Bethlehem police found that there was no physical evidence of the accident in or around the roundabout and a review of camera footage the next day from a local business that has the intersection in its view from 5:30 a.m. to 8:06 a.m., showed no evidence the car was there.
DWI on North Street
DELMAR – On Friday, June 30 at approximately 12:02 a.m. Bethlehem police observed a white 2023 Jeep Cherokee traveling west on Delaware Avenue with no lights on. The Jeep turned onto Adams Street and across Kenwood Avenue when officers performed a traffic stop on North Street.
Officers observed a strong odor of an alcoholic beverage emanating from the Jeep and asked the driver, a 43-year-old Delmar man, about his lights not being on and he turned them on.
After officers requested he exit the vehicle and they also observed that he was unsteady on his feet, had bloodshot and glassy eyes and slurred speech. The man was given and failed field sobriety tests and tested positive for breath alcohol on a pre-screening device and taken into custody for DWI.
At the police station, the man was allowed to contact a law firm and then refused to provide a breath sample.
He was charged with DWI and ticketed for no lights. The man was released with an appearance ticket for Bethlehem Town Court on Tuesday, July 18.
DWI on Delaware Avenue
DELMAR – Bethlehem police observed a white Cadillac traveling eastbound on Delaware Avenue on Friday, June 30 at 10:10 p.m. stopped at the traffic light. Upon the light turning green, the car accelerated rapidly and crossed over the marking lines.
The officer initiated a traffic stop and the Cadillac pulled into the entrance of the Graceland Cemetery. The driver, a 25-year-old Selkirk man, had a suspended license and officers observed a strong odor of an alcoholic beverage emanating from his breath. According to reports, the man said he had one beer at a local restaurant and was traveling to a friend’s house in Albany.
He was given,and failed, field sobriety tests, tested positive for breath alcohol on a pre-screening device and taken into custody.
At the police station, the man provided a breath sample that returned a .12 percent BAC.
He was charged with DWI and aggravated unlicensed operation, both misdemeanors and ticketed for driving left of pavement markings.
The man was released with an appearance ticket for Bethlehem Town Court on Tuesday, July 18.
DWI on Route 85
SLINGERLANDS – On Sunday, July 2 at approximately 1:36 a.m., Bethlehem police observed a black Subaru Impreza traveling north on Cherry Avenue Extension with no lights on. The officer followed the vehicle to the roundabout at New Scotland Road and the vehicle allegedly crossed the lane markings entering and exiting the intersection.
According to reports, officers initiated a traffic stop near Vista Boulevard and observed the driver, a 37-year-old Schenectady man, who had a strong odor of an alcoholic beverage emanating from his breath, had slurred speech, bloodshot and glassy eyes, and had difficulty answering questions.
The officer requested the man to shut off and exit the vehicle. He did shut off the vehicle, but asked if he was under arrest. The officer said he was detained at this point and was not free to leave.
The man allegedly reached for his seatbelt and reached to turn the vehicle on.
At this point the officer opened the door and requested the man to exit the vehicle, which he did comply, but allegedly used the door to keep his balance.
He was given and failed field sobriety tests, tested positive for breath alcohol on a pre-screening device and taken into custody.
At the police station, the man refused to provide a breath sample.
He was charged with DWI and ticketed for no headlights, no inspection sticker, unsafe lane change and refusing to take a breath test.
The man was released with an appearance ticket for Bethlehem Town Court on Tuesday, July 18.
Another DWI on Route 85
SLINGERLANDS – Bethlehem police observed a white 2015 Nissan Versa traveling east on Route 85 above the posted 55-mile-per-hour speed limit on Sunday, July 2 at approximately 11:51 p.m. and performed a traffic stop near the Albany city line.
According to reports, the car was clocked by radar at 78 miles per hour. The officer observed a strong odor of an alcoholic beverage emanating from the vehicle and the driver, a 63-year-old Schenectady man, who said that he had consumed three Dogfish Head beers.
The man was given and failed field sobriety tests, tested positive for breath alcohol on a pre-screening device and was taken into custody for DWI.
At the police station, the man provided a breath sample that returned a .11 percent BAC. He was given a bill of particulars, issued a traffic ticket for speed and issued an appearance ticket for Bethlehem Town Court on Tuesday, July 18.