On Wednesday, May 4, the two candidates for trustee discussed their backgrounds and goals for the library at a virtual Meet the Candidates event. Watch their presentations and learn more about the candidates through their responses to our questionnaire available online: www.bethlehempubliclibrary.org/about-us/board-of-trustees/2022-election-and-budget-vote.
There is one open seat this year, and on the ballot are Sarah Patterson and Annie Scott.
Sarah has been a Bethlehem resident for 13 years and an Adjunct Professor of American History for seven years at both Siena College and SUNY Albany. She has two sons aged (almost) 10 and 7 who attend Elsmere Elementary, and in her free time loves to read and travel.
Annie is a consultant who has supported FOCUS Churches Food Pantry, Capital Roots, Grassroots Givers and Pine Hollow Arboretum. She is the parent of two small children who love reading and the library, and she enjoys walking into the Four Corners with her husband, kids and dogs.
Bethlehem Public Library has a proposed budget of $4.58 million for the 2022-23 fiscal year. The levy portion of the budget comes in at about $4.3 million, a 3.25 percent increase over last year and within the state-mandated spending cap.
Bethlehem Central School District residents will vote on the budget Tuesday, May 17, from 7 a.m.-9 p.m. at Bethlehem Central High School.
Get ready to ride
May is National Bike Month. Is your bike ready to ride? The library has a public-use bicycle service station near the entrance closest to the parking lot that is free to use, 24 hours a day. The Dero Fixit device features hanger arms that bring the bike off the ground and allow the pedals and wheels to move freely. It includes all of the tools needed to perform basic bike repairs and maintenance on the spot. Change a flat, adjust the brakes and derailleurs, or fix a wobbly seat – all at the library. Attached to the Fixit station by cables are Philips and flat-head screwdrivers, six sizes of Allen wrenches, six sizes of box wrenches, and two tire levers. Adjacent to the station is a heavy-duty air pump with a universal pump head that accommodates all valve stem types.
If you ride your bike to the library but didn’t bring your lock, no worries! You can borrow one of ours with your library card. Now you can take your time browsing for books and materials or enjoying a library program while knowing that your bicycle is safe and secure.
Friends Book Sale Fundraiser
The Friends of Bethlehem Public Library will hold a Book Sale Fundraiser on the library plaza Saturday and Sunday, May 21-22, from noon-4 p.m. For sale will be books and other materials that have been removed from the library collection and are in excellent condition. Many are duplicate copies of popular titles, and large print titles will be available.
Pricing is cash-only by suggested donation; the Friends will not be able to make change.
Enjoy some live music while you shop with the following performers scheduled for Saturday May 21:
• Noon-1pm: Guitarist Warren Sieme will play familiar tunes for families.
• 2-3pm: Jazz trumpeter Steve Lambert and guitarist Joe Finn will perform.
Storytime reminder
Please note that the library’s indoor Family Storytimes on Fridays have a very limited number of spots available. Registration is required, and this program is not available on a drop in basis.
We continue to offer regular Family Storytimes, Baby Bounce and Books, and Music and Movement outside on the Green. Visit our calendar at bethlehem.librarycalendar.com to see what’s available.
Memorial Day closing
Bethlehem Public Library will be closed Memorial Day weekend Saturday-Monday, May 28-30.
— Kristen Roberts