Get creative this week when you design a spin drum and then create music with it! Pick up begins at 9 am on Tuesday, May 10.
Quilled Paper Flowers
Learn to make beautiful paper flowers with a crafting technique called “quilling” with us on Wednesday, May 11, at 6 pm.
Paper quilling is the art of using long thin strips of paper, rolling and pinching the pieces into different shapes, and then gluing the shapes together to form decorative art. We’ll learn some basic paper quilling as we make flowers to celebrate the warmer weather in May. No experience needed, ages 10 and up are welcome. Registration is limited and required.
Digital Photo Editing
Do your photos not come out quite the way you want? Do you ever feel like you would like to tweak them just a little before you send them out into the world? Maybe you just want to incorporate them into a larger project. Come learn how to use some basic programs to edit your digital photos with us on Saturday, May 14, at 1p.m.
We’ll be looking at Befunky, Canva, and Microsoft Office. You can bring your laptops to try the programs out, or just watch along. This program has limited space, so registration is required.
New May
Adult Fiction
“The Homewreckers,” by Mary Kay Andrews.
“Every Cloak Rolled on Blood,” by James Lee Burke.
“Virgil Harbor,” by Julia Glass.
“The Book Lovers,” by Emily Henry.
— Carol Melewski