BETHLEHEM — The Town of Bethlehem will hold a second public meeting for the ‘Delaware Avenue Complete Streets’ transportation planning study, jointly sponsored by the town and the Capital District Transportation Committee, on Tuesday, Sept. 26, at Bethlehem Town Hall from 6 to 8 p.m.
The goal of the study is to create a plan for a more balanced transportation system, known as a ‘complete street,’ along Delaware Avenue from Elsmere Avenue to the Normanskill Bridge, that will enable safe and comfortable access for users of all ages and abilities, including pedestrians, bicyclists, transit users and motor vehicle drivers.
The study will determine if a road diet is feasible on this section of Delaware Ave. Road diets reduce the number of travel lanes on a roadway, making more room for bicycles, improving pedestrian crossings, reducing travel speeds, and improving overall roadway safety.
Creighton Manning Engineering (CME) will facilitate the discussion at the Sept. 26 meeting, which will begin with an open house at 6 p.m. CME has analyzed the traffic operations along Delaware Ave. under various road diet scenarios and will present the results at the meeting. There will also be an opportunity for the community to provide input on the alternative proposals for the Delaware Ave. corridor.
In February, more 100 people attended the first public meeting, expressing an interest in seeing corridor improvements that addressed traffic calming, pedestrian and bicycle access, and automobile access to businesses and side roads. Participating residents also identified beautification of the corridor as an important priority.
For additional information, including the draft existing conditions report and meeting summaries of the Study Advisory Committee and Business Stakeholders meetings, please visit the study website at