The Lost Radio Rounders
Join us at 6:30 p.m., Thursday, Mar. 9 to enjoy The Lost Radio Rounders, as they perform their Irish Roots concert, featuring traditional Irish tunes and American songs that borrow Irish melodies. Since 2009, Albany’s Lost Radio Rounders have been one of upstate New York’s premiere Acoustic Americana duos, and in 2021 they welcomed banjo, guitar player and vocalist Paul Jossman to the fold. Jossman and Lost Radio Rounders co-founder Michael Eck are both members of the Capital Region Thomas Edison Music Hall of Fame. No registration needed.
Bead Creative
Teens in grades 9 and up, as well as adults are invited to join us at 3 and/or 6 p.m., Wednesday, March 8 to try an easy project to learn some basic beading techniques. The hardest part will be selecting your beads from our large supply! Please register.\
Creativity Lab
Students in grades 6-12 are invited to come to the library after school at 3 p.m., Friday, March 10 for some creative lab time. This week we’ll try out some chain reaction contraptions. There will be snacks. Please register. — Lynn Kohler
Magic & More
Do you enjoy card games such as Magic the Gathering, Pokemon, Yu-Gi-Oh? Then you’ll want to pack up your decks and join us at 1:30 p.m., Sunday, Mar. 12, for an afternoon of combat at the library. You can challenge other players, compare collections, and make some trades. There will be snacks. Grades 5+ and adults, please register. There will be an intro to Magic the Gathering for beginners from 1:30-2:00 p.m., and we’ll supply the cards.
Library Tots
Children up to 30 months, with a caregiver, are invited to join us at 10 a.m., Thursday, March 9. We’ll get together for a fun program featuring songs, fingerplays, body movement, felt board stories, books, and toys! No registration needed.