To the Editor,
Our current library was built in 1972 with a major upgrade occurring in 2004. Our library is a major asset of our Town and needs to be prepared for the next 20 years. It is the one facility in Town actively used by all of us. When you walk in, you immediately see children participating in story time. Seniors are checking out books and teenagers are working on homework or are being tutored in the small conference rooms. On the way into the building, you may have passed the creative work of local artists. Most likely you will notice a group gathered in the community room. Our Library is truly the center of our community used by residents from all parts of our Town.
Some of us may have our own ideas of how the library should be redesigned. But architects have already worked
with both the Board and incorporated community input over a long period of time to make the many decisions (and compromises) that are necessary to keep the library located in the center of Town. Some Town residents have reacted to the cost of the redesign, including me. But the sad reality is that construction costs will only increase over time. To revisit the design again in an effort to reduce costs will likely result in further cost increases and a lesser improved library. None of us want to increase our family’s expenses having already paid our property and school taxes but by voting “yes” we are committing to about $250/ year to improve our library for years to come. Remember, this library was built in 1972, think of how our world has changed in 50 years. While books were the centerpiece of the library then, today we have the internet, social media, video conferencing, audiobooks, movies, DVDs, museum passes, 3 D printers, artificial intelligence. We have experienced rapid growth of technology in the past 50
years, are we taking the necessary steps for our Library to be prepared for the next 20 years?
Let’s improve the library for Bethlehem’s families today and the next generation by supporting our library renovation bond on December 12th.
Bruce Bushart – Glenmont