Every other Monday, we have a storytime kit available for pre-schoolers containing suggestions for books, rhymes, and songs to share together, plus one or more fun activities. These kits are distributed on a first come, first served basis. On Monday, March 8, a friendship-themed kit will be available for curbside pickup starting at 10 a.m.
Night Owls Online
Alex Trebek’s autobiography, The Answer is…Reflections on My Life, is the subject of our next Night Owls Online book discussion group on Monday, March 8, at 7:30 p.m. All are welcome! Please register on the Events tab of our website to participate.
OTC Meds with Your Pharmacist
This virtual program on Tuesday, March 9, at 1:30, presented in conjunction with Albany Guardian Society, covers how to get the most out of your relationship with your pharmacist. Daniel Malone, PharmD, will review common over-the-counter medications and supplements, plus guidelines on general usage. Please register on the Events tab of our website; Albany Guardian Society will email the link to all registrants in advance.
1634 Journey into Mohawk Country
Imagine trudging into the unknown winter wilderness, encountering wild animals and native people who may or may not be friendly, all while wondering about your next meal or where you might sleep. On Wednesday, March 10, at 6:30 p.m., immerse yourself in the fascinating 1634 journal of an intrepid West India Company employee who journeyed from Fort Orange (Albany) into Central New York with two brave companions to investigate the beaver trade and negotiate with Mohawk and Oneida tribespeople. Please register on the Events tab of our website to receive the Zoom link.
Phone Number Update
Our general / reference phone number (518-285-0050), and circulation / curbside phone number (518-285-0671) will be in use through Tuesday, March 9. Beginning Wednesday, March 10, we will use our main phone number only: 518-456-2400. Please use this number to contact GPL. Any calls to other numbers will be forwarded.
Let it Grow Kit
for T(w)eens
We’re welcoming spring and the growing season! This kit for grades 6-12 includes materials and directions to grow your own crystal and make seed planting paper. Please register on the Events tab of our website, then pick up your kit during curbside hours beginning Fri. March 12.
GPL wants you
The Guilderland Public Library Board of Trustees has four vacancies. For more information, please see: https://bit.ly/GPLBoardCandidates. Interested parties who are U.S. citizens residing within the Guilderland School District and at least 18 years old are encouraged to email [email protected] or call 518-456-2400, ext. 112 to obtain an information packet. All candidate nomination forms are due to the Guilderland Central School District clerk by Monday April 19 for the Tues. May 18 vote.
Tax Help
We have compiled a list of handy resources at: https://bit.ly/GPLTaxes. Federal and state tax forms and instructions are available for pick up during curbside hours inside our Normanskill Room. Please follow the signs and use the side entrance.
On Demand
We can print a document up to 20 black-and-white pages or 10 color pages at no cost.
— Luanne Nicholson