#LetterToTheEditor #SpotlightNews
Dear Editor,
Facts matter. In this time of divisive politics there’s been increasing concerns regarding facts accurately communicated by our elected officials nationally, in the State and now locally.
This year there’s been a lot of inaccurate information on the “real estate transfer tax.” The facts are that there is no such new tax on our ballot or horizon.
Our State Constitution requires the State Legislature to approve local governments ability to levy each new tax. This year Assembly bill A.3028b, if enacted into Sate law, would have resulted in a local referendum for Bethlehem residents to vote on a real estate transfer tax with the monies going to a community preservation fund.
The bill passed the Assembly, but died in Senate. End of story, that’s it, no referendum, no vote on a new real estate transfer tax in Bethlehem.
I’m going to vote for Dan Coffey for Town Board. And this is not in the absence of hearing from his opponent at my doorstep. While I applaud Mr. Carriero for getting out and talking with the voters- which both candidates are doing- I am not impressed with his literature or his stance on communicating facts to the public.
His literature incorrectly states there is a transfer tax “proposed by Democrats that would force Bethlehem taxpayers to pay up to 2 percent to the town on the sale of a home,” which is a “scheme to circumvent the tax cap while misleading the public.”
Please, let’s get the facts straight and stop misleading the public.
Dan Coffey has the knowledge for the position, having lived and raised a family in Bethlehem and having served on the planning board, zoning board and other committees. We need people knowledgeable about the Town and its comprehensive and zoning laws to reign in growth and maintain our wonderful community.
Gabriel Deyo