#LetterToTheEditor #SpotlightNews
To the Editor,
This year we have the opportunity to insure our town government is free from any sense of impropriety. Honorable and honest representation is vital to the legitimate conduct of town business.
The moral and ethical character of a candidate is far more telling than their political affiliation. The criminal or corrupt behavior of a candidate is wrong and needs not to be rewarded.
What level of comfort do you have with an attorney, unable to complete an affidavit accurately because it was “complicated”, ultimately making decisions for the direction of our town?
Why would you support a candidate who was willing to engage in criminal or corrupt conduct just for the sake of trying to get elected to a local position?
How do we protect Bethlehem from a candidate who actually contributed to the problems we face while overseeing the Zoning Board of Appeals for 10 years and who will further advocate overdevelopment and destruction of green space?
How do we prevent a candidate from enabling the imposition of a 2 percent Transfer Fee on the sale of property?
Question everything said by that candidate and believe nothing said.
I am wholeheartedly supporting Independence Party candidate Jim Carriero for Bethlehem Town Council and I urge all fellow residents to do the same. Whether you are Democrat, Republican, Independence, Conservative, any other affiliation or no affiliation at all, I encourage a record turnout of voters to elect a good person, Jim Carriero.
Jim has high standards by which he lives and he cares enough about the quality of life in town to get politically involved to try to maintain it. He will bring balance to the board as he serves the people for the overall good of the Town of Bethlehem.
George T. Harder,
Editor’s Note: Dan Coffey and Giles Wagoner were forced off the Democratic line last year after an attempt by the party to amend its nominations. The affidavit portion was missing the required signatures. Democrats George Harder and Dan Morin successfully sued to disallow the nominations from that amendment.