Looking ahead to when we reopen
Library staff and the Board of Trustees have been busy working up a phased reopening for when state guidelines allow us to start providing in-person service to you once again. While we aren’t sure what that timeline will be, we do know the first steps will include opening up the book drops in some capacity and working toward no-contact curbside pickup. Access to the library building and programs may be limited for some time as we do all we can to safeguard public health. We also want to reassure you that we are establishing rigorous sanitizing and cleaning protocols for returned materials.
Just as we have made it our mission to step up our digital presence during this mandated closure, we promise to put that same energy toward engaging, educating and entertaining you as we move toward a time when we can once again be a lively community gathering space.
Storytime online
Do you miss storytime at the library? We do too! That’s why we’re bringing a weekly storytime into your home via Zoom, an online meeting tool. Join us at 9:30 a.m. Tuesdays through May 26 for a Zoom Family Storytime. This is a fun and engaging way for children up to age 6 to work on their early literacy skills through stories, singing, movement and more. Go to bit.ly/2zhnV9v at the scheduled time and use the password 562837 to sign in. Once you sign in, your e-mail and video will not be visible to other participants and your sound will be muted, so feel free to sing and clap along with abandon!
Looking to explore some picture books at your own pace? Check out our Storytime Online Kits highlighting dozens of popular titles. Each “kit” features a video of the story being read – sometimes even by the author – along with several related activities to do at home. Visit our Storytimes page at www.bethlehempubliclibrary.org/programs/children/story-time and then click on the cover you want to explore. New stories are being added every week!
Budget vote and election information
The library budget and Board of Trustees vote has been rescheduled for Tuesday, June 9. It will take place entirely by absentee ballot, which will be mailed to households in the Bethlehem Central School District in the coming days. Click here for the library’s proposed 2020-21 budget and a list of who is running for the two seats on the Board of Trustees.
Zoom book discussion
The results are in for our upcoming May 28 Zoom Book Discussion hosted by librarians Anne Coletta and Frank Somers. In an online poll earlier this month, readers chose “Carnegie’s Maid” by Marie Benedict. In this work of historical fiction Clara Kelley is not who they think she is. She’s not the experienced Irish maid who was hired to work in one of Pittsburgh’s grandest households. She’s a poor farmer’s daughter with nowhere to go and nothing in her pockets who may have spurred Andrew Carnegie’s transformation from ruthless industrialist into the world’s first true philanthropist.
To sign up for the book discussion, go to our online calendar (ny.evanced.info/bethlehem/lib/eventcalendar.asp) and click on the event – there are two times available, 1:30 p.m. and 7 p.m. An invitation to participate via Zoom will be emailed to you. This title is available in Hoopla (unlimited copies) and OverDrive. Visit our e-content page to check it out (bethlehempubliclibrary.org/borrow/ebooks-emagazines).
— Kristen Roberts