The community is invited to a Public Comment Session on the Library’s proposed 2017-18 budget, on Thursday, May 11, at 6:30 p.m., in the library’s Tawasentha Room.
The Library’s Board of Trustees has approved an operating budget of $4,038,583. This is based upon a tax-levy of $3,689,217. Details of the budget are available at
The vote is on Tuesday, May 16, from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m., at neighborhood elementary schools. Voters will also select three trustees to serve on the library’s board.
Mother’s Day Concert: Josée Vachon
Singer-songwriter Josée Vachon will perform a free Mothers’ Day concert of beloved French songs at GPL on Sunday, May 14, at 2 p.m.
Enjoy Josée’s lovely voice and engaging style as she takes you on a journey through French North America. Vachon has recorded 12 solo albums in French, and two with Franco-American folk group Chanterelle.
Born in Québec and raised in Maine, Josée Vachon has been sharing her Franco-American upbringing for more than 25 years through traditional and contemporary folksongs from Québec and Acadia, and through her own compositions. She has performed throughout North America and France.
GPL Pops-Up All Over the Place!
@ Little League Opening Day!
The 2017 Little League season kicks off at Keenholts Park on Friday, May 12, at 5:30 p.m. – and GPL will be there! Be sure to stop by our Pop-Up tent; we’ll have books to check out, crafts to take, and, of course – fun! See you there!
@ Albany Tulip Festival!
Come celebrate our area’s Dutch history! On Saturday, May 13, from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m., GPL and our friends from neighboring UHLS libraries will be at this year’s Tulip Festival at Washington Park in Albany! Find us by the Kids Zone near the playground! We’ll have crafts and fun activities for kids – including a life size board game! Get a library card on the spot, learn how to download library e-books, and more!
3 Little Birds!
Join local librarian and former Kindermusik teacher Josalyn Wilder for “3 Little Birds: Music, Movement, & Storytime” on Monday, May 15, at 10:30 a.m.. This fun-filled early literacy class features music and activities geared toward children age 5 and under. No registration necessary. Children must be accompanied by an adult caregiver.
About GPL
The Guilderland Public Library is located at 2228 Western Avenue, Guilderland. Visit the Library’s website at to get information on upcoming programs, and to register online via the homepage’s “Events & Registration Calendar.” Check out the “unofficial” Library updates at and follow the Library on Twitter (@GuilderlandLib).
— Mark Curiale