The Alzheimer’s Association and the Colonie Senior Services Center have created a closer working relationship with the election of CSSC Executive Director Edward Neary to the organization’s board in late July.
David Gregoir, executive director of the Alzheimer’s Association, said having Neary on the board will create a better relationship between the two organizations.
Neary said his appointment will help him raise awareness and increase his knowledge on the disease.
“I called Dave on the phone, and Dave and I have known each other for a while, and I expressed my interest in helping out the organization,” said Neary. “He sent some info over to me, and I agreed to serve. He then brought it to the board for approval, and I was notified that I was accepted as a board member.”
His experience in working with CSSC will help him be an effective board member, Neary said, because he has a keen understanding of the financial commitment it takes to support an organization like his and the Alzheimer’s Association. He said his role will mainly to assist management and not redirect the path the organization is on.
“We’re excited to have Ed on board,” he said. “We saw his resume, and with his involvement in not only the Colonie Senior Services Center but the days before that, he will be integral when we try and bring new partners on board and when we try and get more experience for our current clients.”
Gregoir said Neary will have to go through an orientation process and learn more about the inner workings of the committee, as well as its structure. He will also learn about the budget as he may become part of the finance committee.
“We had a finance meeting last week that he was a part of,” Gregoir said, adding that Neary may also be appointed to the governance committee. “I would love to have him get other people involved as board members or other volunteers as well.”
Gregoir also said he would like to take advantage of some of the networking contacts Neary has in the business community. He added that Neary also has the advantage of already knowing how the disease works since it is something he works very closely with as executive director at the center.
“It’s something we don’t have to train him on,” he said. “He knows the disease and already has a running start. He knows more than anyone else.”
Neary said this allows him to have first-hand knowledge of what is going on in the association, and he will be able to bring that information back to the residents and members of CSSC’s programs.
He said the connection with the association was mainly through the Bright Horizon’s program, which is offered by CSSC, and that this new partnership will help him build and design new programs that will better assist people who suffer from Alzheimer’s.
“It’s a natural connection,” he said. “That’s why it occurred to me. It is a good opportunity to connect and help other organizations that need it.”
Gregoir said he is excited to have Neary on the board and that he feels he will be a great asset for the association.
“We’re excited to have Ed on board,” he said. “We saw his resume, and with his involvement in not only the Colonie Senior Services Center but the days before that, he will be integral when we try and bring new partners on board and when we try and get more experience for our current clients.”