At the doorstep of New York’s Adirondack State Park, Saratoga Springs has a natural appeal for liberal thinkers and creative minds. It is, therefore, by no mistake the Spa City is a college town with a devotion to the arts and the avant-garde.
It is Upstate New York’s own Greenwich Village framed majestically within Victorian-era homes, babbling streams and mountain-scape views. A city that forbids thrashing skateboarders, but encourages dogs leashed to their humans.
Saratoga Springs has long been a beacon for music aficionados, whether looking for that rare LP on vinyl or enveloping one’s self in coffeehouse tunes over a hot cappuccino. But, those associated with the local music scene found the nightlife lacking in recent past.
That’s changing.
Part of what’s driving that change is a little bit of crazy. Figures that within the cauldron of smoldering creative juices in this college town a concoction only best described as crazy would emerge.
“The thing that’s different about this band, from other bands, is that we come up with crazy ideas,” said Dustin Alexander, lead singer for Jesus Christ and the Hallucinogenic Allstars (JCHA). “But, this band always seems to follow through with it.”
Case in point: on a warm October evening in 2011, the four-piece band (three, plus their on-stage bartender) surprised a throng of Caroline Street pedestrians with a flash mob. The logistics behind it all involved a rented box truck, an extension cord, and careful planning around local law enforcement’s schedule.
Everything was captured on camera and posted onto YouTube.
“We thought about how we could get it mobile, so we rented a Budget truck,” said Alexander. “We’re in touch with the town pretty well, and we actually found out when the police schedule was for patrol on Caroline Street. So, we hit it right when they were on break.”
Flash forward to 2015, this hard rocking group has moved out of the box truck and into a residency at the Putnam Den. George DeMers, host of Skidmore College radio show Full Metal Racket, drawing from more than a decade of experience on the Spa City music scene, has proclaimed JCHA as the band to see in 2015. And, on Wednesday, March 18, they host their first EP-release party, sharing the stage with Bobaflex, another hard rock band that draws nation-wide attention.
The three musicians got together in 2009. Alexander on bass. Ross Kelch playing the drums. Jonathan Imbo on guitar. All of whom have played in various local bands respectively. They each grew up in Saratoga Springs and cut their teeth at the bars sprinkled around Caroline Street.
“This band was started as an experiment for me, personally,” said Alexander. His vocals are characteristic of the hard rock genre they listen to themselves, like Mastadon and Red Fang. For Alexander, who also plays bass, being the lead vocalist is new territory. His presentation has been the experiment, sometimes touching upon metalcore – with guttural and angry vocals. “ The way my voice is now has been through trial and error. Seeing what I can sing, and how I can sing it. I don’t think I’d call it metalcore. I don’t usually go out and listen to metalcore music. But, I kinda get angry a little bit. When I grew up, my mom yelled at me all the time. So, I think it’s more of my mother in me.”
Jacob Pederson has a unique stage presence onto itself. His official title with the band is bartender and therapist. During live shows, he on the stage, with refreshments in hand for the band. “Jake has always been our close friend. He’s always coming to practices. He was always helping us and stuff. I don’t know. We just decided to throw a bartender up on stage and no one has done that before. And, over time, he’s progressed into an irreplaceable member.”
Next Wednesday, JCHA takes the next step on their career, dropping their first EP. The band is not signed to a label. The EP, “Cosmic Annibilation” was funded out of pocket.
“It got to the point where we needed a hardcore recording, something really, really quality,” said Alexander. “ So it was just a matter of gathering up the material, finding the right studio. … And, it came out better than what I could expect. “
Those familiar with the band will be introduced to new material on the upcoming EP. Alexander said each of the six songs were written and developed over the last eight months. Some of the influences of the aforementioned groups like Mastadon and Red Fang may come through. But, Alexander said, he feels the end product is something new onto itself. Something that is their own.
“I think that’s what’s important in music. It’s genuine. When something is genuine, it really stands out to everybody. When you’re not trying to be something. When you’re not forcing yourself into something, and actually find out what you like to do, it really stands out.”
The EP release party will be at the Putnam Den in Saratoga Springs on Wednesday, March 18. Dead Superstar, Bobaflex and JCHA will each perform on stage. Doors open at 7:30 p.m. For more information, visit
“I really love this town,” said Alexander.” The music scene was faltering a little bit, and it’s good to see it come back around. I’m going to keep on pushing hard, and we’re going to really start blowing this place up.”