To the Editor:
The bond vote on the $36.9 million library building project has been scheduled for Dec. 12, 2024. By that time, there could be snowstorms, many people will have gone to Florida, most people will not know a vote is being held, residents will not know that absentee ballots are available. This will not be a fair vote. It should be postponed until May and voted on along with the school budget.
There was a consultant, hired by the architectural firm, who attended the recent library board meeting. His job is to review the costs of the project, a task which he has not had enough time to complete. To reduce the cost, the square footage has been reduced somewhat, but according to the chart in his presentation, the cost has gone up by almost a million dollars. So, it has now risen to $36.9 million!!! That is an extra million from the last figure of $36 million. The architect and the interior designer stated that they were still working on “refining” the project. The final cost and design are still unknown.
How can residents possibly vote on this enormous project in such a hurry with so many unanswered questions? A representative from the Friends of the Library urged the Board to postpone the vote. Contact the Board of Trustees by using the form at: and tell them you are in favor of postponing the vote until May, at the same time as the school budget vote.
Fran Royo, Delmar