To the Editor,
Sean Quinlan has lived in the town of Bethlehem for many years now, but most have not known what he has been doing primarily behind the scenes to protect and save the lives of children. It is time that Sean was properly honored for the hero and champion that he is. Sean for many years has tracked sex offenders that are living illegally too close to schools and daycare centers, not only locally, but throughout the entire state of New York. Sean has been an incredible friend and blessing to me and to the Jonathan Carey Foundation. During Sean’s extremely difficult investigative work, he also discovered that the State of New York was unconscionably and illegally placing sex offenders within group homes with extremely vulnerable children and adults with developmental disabilities. Both Sean and I took immediate actions to bring these horrific actions to light to top state officials.
Sean devoted his life, spending countless hours to this critical cause that is dear to God’s heart – defending His children. We all have a responsibility before God to defend the defenseless (Psalm 82:3). The scriptures also tell us all that it is better for a millstone to be tied around one’s neck and drowned in the sea than to offend or hurt one of His children (Matthew 18:6). Sean tracked previously caught and known sexual predators that literally could be hunting for their next child victim from their front porch as they walk to school. Sean would regularly notify local law enforcement and
direct them to arrest these individuals, others will have to step up now.
Sean recently introduced a very important sex offender bill to Assemblyman Ron Kim that would better clarify and strengthen these child protection laws, which the Assemblyman has agreed to sponsor. I personally will pursue this until it becomes NYS law. Everyone must understand, currently, companion pets have more protection of laws than children do in New York State. Things must change, it’s a felony if anyone is cruel to a companion pet since 1999, yet still only a misdemeanor if someone Endangers the Welfare of a Child in 2024. These are serious societal problems and Sean did what he could, he worked tirelessly for the children, because of the grace of God and a calling on his life from above. We too have such a calling to get involved and do what is right and just for children and our most vulnerable.
The great news for Sean is that he knew the Lord Jesus, years ago he personally and accepted Jesus as his Lord and Savior – he received the gift of eternal life that comes through Jesus Christ our Lord (Romans 6:23). Now Sean is in heaven, not because of his good works, but because of what Jesus did for him and for us all – Jesus paid the price for our sins with His own life and his blood. It’s by grace that we are saved, not by any works that anyone can boast (Ephesians 2:8-9).
Michael Carey,