Editor, The Spotlight:
According to your article in the July 23 edition about sidewalks for Glenmont, it says that Mr. Clarkson is interested in pedestrian safety for the whole Town of Bethlehem.
We, the residents of the hamlet of Selkirk, were promised, and money was appropriated for, sidewalks during Supervisor Theresa Egan’s term, yet they have never been placed and the money went elsewhere. Somehow the money always goes to other areas in town.
The sidewalks for Glenmont are going where no through truck traffic is allowed, but here in Selkirk, we have as many as 800 trucks a day. We are also tax paying residents and deserve a safe place to walk. We have, at present, a space 6 inches to 12 inches wide outside the white line, and Route 396 (Maple Avenue) is just barely the width limit for commercial traffic, according to New York state law.
Mr. Clarkson, if you are truly interested in pedestrian safety, please start at the most hazardous area in town — Maple Avenue.
Ronald Selkirk