Zoom in
We have introduced a new accessibility tool for in-house use. The Zoomax Snow 12 is a portable video magnifier with 19x magnification, full-page scanning, and text-to-speech functionality in over 20 languages. Borrow it from the Information Desk and use it anywhere in the library, ensuring privacy and personalized accessibility.
Bus trip to Boston
There are still a couple of seats left on the Friends of Bethlehem Public Library’s spring trip to Boston on Saturday, April 26. Enjoy the New England Aquarium, go whale watching, explore history or enjoy a day of shopping – without worrying about the driving. The cost is $55 for Friends of Bethlehem Public Library members and $60 for nonmembers, for transportation only. Visit our website at bethpl.org for more information. The library at your doorstep books to People is a free library delivery service available to residents of the Bethlehem Central School District who are unable to visit the library because of a permanent or temporary medical condition. The library van will deliver requests every two weeks, and pick up returns. You can request books, circulating magazines, DVDs, music CDs and audiobooks. Learn more at bethpl.org/services/books-to-.
Homework help online
We’re halfway through the school year. Does your child need a little extra help? We’ve got the resources that can make a difference. Cardholders have access to HelpNow by Brainfuse, a learning resource for all ages with personalized homework help in core subjects, as well as SAT preparation. Live one-on-one online tutoring is available for elementary, middle school, high school and college students. Find HelpNow on the library’s Research page.
Cards for the community
It’s winter, and we could all use a little cheer, even though the holiday season is over. Join our teen volunteers and make cards for community members on Wednesday, Jan. 29 from 2-3:30 p.m. We’re partnering with local senior living centers to pass around some mid-winter cheer.
Make it a library day
Stop by Saturday, Feb. 1, from 11 a.m.-4 p.m. for Take Your Child to the Library Day. Children can play, discover, make friends and have fun at the library with a scavenger hunt to celebrate the day.
Musical Sunday
Enjoy a concert highlighting the beauty and versatility of the flute at our next Little Sunday Music with Jackie Wright on Sunday, Feb. 2 at 2 p.m. This musical series is sponsored by the Friends of Bethlehem Public Library.
GoPro at the library
Are you ready for your close up? Borrow our GoPro Hero 12 video cameras and accessories to take some awesome, creative videos. We also have a bunch of GoPro accessories to borrow too. Set up the perfect shot with one of our tripods for our GoPro video cameras or hit the road with our dashboard and handlebar camera mounts. Even your pet can get in on the fun with our dog harness. Watch your good boys and girls run after squirrels or toys. Visit bethpl.org/borrow/library-of- to see what’s available.