Apple picking time is here! Enjoy a theme-based, multi-age virtual storytime with an emphasis on early literacy. Mrs. Brown and Miss Lisa will video record a short storytime with an accompanying art activity. The video link will be posted on the library’s website, all of the library’s social media platforms, and on the library’s YouTube channel. Families of preschoolers can pick up a take & make bag at the library each week. The bag will include the storytime thematic art activity of the week. Each week’s bags will be at the library from Tuesday-Saturday of that week. No registration needed.
Yoga for Adults
Join us for a vinyasa yoga class at 6:15pm, Tuesday, September 22. Vinyasa yoga is designed to help you gain a stronger sense of body awareness and proper alignment while linking breath and movement. This class is designed for a variety of ages and experience! Tricia Kanderfer is a certified yoga instructor who has years of teaching experience. Please register. The Zoom class link will be sent to those who register prior to the class session.
Donations to Friends of the Library
The Friends of the Library will be accepting drop-in (no appointment needed) book donations on Saturday, September 26, from 10am to 2pm, at the Encore!books shed, located in the Library parking lot. Donations will also be accepted, by appointment only, on Sunday, September 27. Please schedule your appointment at [email protected]. A listing of acceptable materials is listed in the FOL section of the Voorheesville Public Library’s website.
By appointment
A limited number of appointments are available Monday-Saturday to browse for and check out materials or computer use. Evening browsing appointments are available on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Please call Monday through Friday, 11 a.m. – 4 p.m. (518) 765-2791 to schedule your appointment.
— Lynn Kohler