#LetterToTheEditor #YourVoice #SpotlightNews
Dear Spotlight readers,
My name is Wendy Samson and I am asking for your support as a write-in candidate for Bethlehem Central School Board. My husband Dan and I have been town residents for 30 years. We have a daughter, Nora, in 8th grade at the middle school. I consider a vacancy on the board of education a very important matter.
My relationship with this school district began in 1987 when I was a UAlbany student completing my education coursework in ELA at the high school with English teacher Robert Feldman, who happened to go to college with my own beloved high school English teacher. After graduating, I subbed and taught English for many years in several area schools, including Bethlehem, Watervliet, Ravena-Coeymans-Selkirk, Shaker Jr. , Cambridge and Guilderland. I also worked at the Glenmont Job Corps and Greene Correctional Facility, teaching college literature for Marist College and GED courses at both. For the last ten years I have been working for the State Education Department as an Associate in Instructional Services.
I understand education issues and I want to work for our children and support our teachers. I also want to give back to this community I have called home for more than half my life.
My goal is to listen to all residents as we continue to always improve our school system so that it works for all our students. As an educator and a concerned mother of a teenager, I believe I can offer a unique perspective to the board. Currently, one out of four young adults experiences a mental health issue or addiction. I will work to ensure that our young people can beat those odds. An earlier start time for the high school and programming which concerns the social and emotional well being of elementary school students are already on the radar for our district. As we plan around these initiatives, I will strive to consider the needs of all our students. As we consider new contracts and long term strategies for our district, I will work to keep Bethlehem Schools strong. After all, my name is Samson.
Thank you for your consideration in this important matter.
Wendy Samson,
Olde Delmar