Dear Editor:
Outgoing Highway Superintendent Brent Meredith’s endorsement of Giles Wagoner to replace him should come as no surprise to voters. Aside from it being an attempt by Meredith to stop his slide into political obscurity and relevancy, they both find common ground in having taken part in the “bait and switch” scheme to dupe Democratic voters during the petition process. It is a match made in political heaven.
Sadly, it is also a stark reminder that as the season changes and the leaves start to fall, our town has a desperate need to turn over our highway department to more competent leadership. The untimely pickup of leaves and snow removal underscores the sad reality in Bethlehem that while taxes have steadily increased, services have gone down. I can assure you, neither Meredith, Wagoner, or any of their associates have built our confidence in their abilities to properly manage our town. Their political shenanigans during this campaign season confirmed that.
The poorly managed highway department, typifies the problems facing a town under one-party rule. In Bethlehem: nepotism, cronyism and politics have supplanted necessity and demand. Brent Meredith is married to County Legislator Joanne Cunningham and is brother-in law to Maureen Cunningham, Democratic candidate for town board. For them, politics has become a family affair. For the taxpayers, it has become a losing proposition. They all lack self-awareness and, more importantly, a plan to fix our town.
The Nov. 7 election is an opportunity for Bethlehem residents to restore integrity and competency to our highway department. The hard-working employees in the department deserve to be led by someone who can manage efficiently. The taxpayers deserve to receive the services they pay for. For that job, Tiger Anastasi is the right guy.
As the owner of a family construction business, Tiger Anastasi knows what it’s like to work hard. He gets his boots dirty every day doing manual labor, balancing budgets, supervising workers and supporting his family. He has the leadership abilities and skill set needed to get the job done.
He has also publicly outlined a plan to fix the problems plaguing the highway department. He advocates timely and efficient removal of leaf pickup and snow, effective paving and maintenance of roadways, greater accountability and responsiveness to residents, reevaluating town roadways and sidewalk conditions and utilizing current town employees for town projects.
At the end of the day, the only endorsement that counts is that of the voters’. Tiger Anastasi is the best candidate for the position of highway superintendent. His years of experience are unmatched in the race. On Tuesday, Nov. 7, I hope you consider voting Tiger Anastasi for highway superintendent.
Thank you.
Melissa Kermani
Chairwoman of the Bethlehem
Republican Committee