To the Editors:
In every election cycle voters are faced with the same decision: voting for the best candidates. This year we need to set aside the naysayers and malcontents and focus on the candidates that are sincere, promote teamwork, have experience, expertise and the demeanor to keep our town on the much awarded cutting edge of municipal governments. We see David VanLuven, Maureen Cunningham, Dan Coffey (Row E), Andy Kirby, Nanci Moquin and Giles Wagoner(Row E) as the team that will not only lead our Town but take us to a new level of governance and financial stability. Talking to them will give you the confidence of their leadership; voting for them will ensure the community we all want.
John Smolinsky
Ellie Prakken,
Editor’s Note: John Smolinksy is chairman of the Bethlehem Planning Board