Dear Editor,
In 2013, the Town Board attempted to take away our citizens right to elect the town’s highway superintendent. The voters quickly took care of that power grab.
Last year, the Town Board seized the authority to force property owners to maintain their properties to a standard set by town law. Failure to do so would give government a lien on the property.
Now, Assessor Madam Laurie Lambertsen wants to go into your bedroom and take whatever pictures they decide to take, as approved by four members of the Town Board.
A man’s home is his castle and he doesn’t need government looking down his back for nickels and dimes. If Laurie or her representatives want to photograph my bedroom, they better come armed with a search warrant or they will be waiting on my front porch.
However, they will be welcome to take any and all measurements or pictures of the outside of my home.
The subject of power grab comes to mind.
Kenneth Hahn
North Bethlehem
Editor’s Note: The town has since clarified the process it will follow regarding the recollect. Please see the correspoinding story on page A3.