Jeff Coyle
President, Colonie Little League
Residence: Niskayuna
What type of music do you listen to?
I actually listen to a wide variety of music. My kids have gotten me into pop culture, but I also love classic rock.
What are you watching on TV?
We watch a lot of sports. We’re all huge (New York) Yankees fans. But, we also watch a lot of reality shows. We watch the History Channel a lot. And when the New York Giants are on in the fall, we watch them, too.
What are you reading?
I’m reading a James Patterson book – his latest one, “The Return of Alex Cross: Hope to Die.” I got into Patterson a few years ago. His Alex Cross series is about this detective and all the crazy people he runs into in this town. I can usually read them in a day. I’ll just sit down for a couple of hours and read about 250 pages.
What was the last movie you saw ?
We saw the Spongebob (Squarepants) movie. That’s a couple of hours of my life that I’ll never get back. My kids wanted to see the movie.
What is your favorite hobby?
It used to be golf, but when my kids came along, I stopped playing golf. I’d probably have to say reading is more of a hobby for me.
Who is one person, dead or alive, you would want to talk to, and why?
If there was one person I could talk to, it would be my father. He passed away 11 years ago. I’d like to have a couple more hours to talk with him.
What would be your last meal?
For my last meal – this is how simplistic I am – I would want a pizza with mushrooms and peppers.
What is your favorite local memory?
Two years ago, my son Brandon pitched a perfect game in an all-star (Little League) game.
What three things would you bring to a deserted island?
My family would definitely be there. I’d probably bring a pizza. The smart answer would be a boat, right? I’d bring a boat so I could get out of there if I had to.
Tell us a fact about you that would be surprising to others.
I think most of the people who know me don’t realize how emotional I am. Anything my kids do usually brings a tear to my eye.