The New York State Police is conducting an investigation in the Town Clifton Park. This investigation surrounds information obtained by police, in which a person claiming to be a representative of the Clifton Park Water Management Department, was allowed entry to a home of an unsuspecting homeowner on February 14 . The residence in question was later burglarized when the occupant was not present. The residence was a non-CPWA customer’s home.
The Clifton Park Water Authority wants all residents, customers and non-customers alike to know that all of their employees drive marked vehicles and wear uniforms, clearly identifying the CPWA and bear the authority’s logo. The logo features the image of a tree and reads “Clifton Park Water Authority”. Each employee also carries a photo ID that identifies them as a CPWA employee.
Residents should request to see identification from anyone claiming to be a CPWA employee. If the person claiming to be a CPWA employee fails to produce identification police advise residents to refuse the person entry and to call 911.