Students in grades 7 and up are invited to join TAG, the Teen Advisory Group. Librarian Debbie Sternklar holds occasional TAG meetings in person and/or on Zoom, and surveys members for ideas and input about events and services for middle and high school teens. Please register online for further information, including community service openings. The next meeting will be on Monday, Sept. 20, at 3 p.m.
Cybersecurity 101
Join presenter and IT expert John Love for this virtual workshop on Cybersecurity, 10 a.m., Tuesday, Aug. 31. Learn how to identify and protect your equipment and data, at home and at work. Register on our event calendar to receive the Zoom link.
Take a Walk
See the streets of Voorheesville as never before with Village Historian, Dennis Sullivan, on Saturday, Sept. 18, at 10 a.m. This two-hour walking tour will begin at Voorheesville Elementary School. Dennis is the author of the book Voorheesville, New York: A Sketch of the Beginnings of a Nineteenth-Century Railroad Town. Registration is required, and limited to 30 people. Attendees must follow all current COVID safety guidelines. Please park at the Elementary School parking area. The rain date is Saturday, Sept. 25.
Calling All Artists and Collectors
The Voorheesville Library is always looking for artists who would like to display their work in our hall gallery. Photographers, painters, multimedia artists, we would love to have you share your art with our community. Collectors are also wanted. People collect the most interesting stuff, and we want you to share that interest by displaying it in our hall case. Please call 518-765-2791 or email [email protected] to let us know.
— Lynn Kohler