COLONIE — A project to combine three lots along Central Avenue to build an office/warehouse and storage facility was presented to the Planning Board at the last meeting.
The plan, presented by Luigi Palleschi of ABD Design on behalf of Matthew Ward, of MRW Equipment Leasing, would construct 6,000-square-foot office building, half of which would be used by the company Trenchless Today, which specializes in installing underground pipe. There would be three self-storage units totaling 6,100 square feet built on the rear of the property.
The 1.64 acres at 2101 to 2015 Central Avenue is just west of Mather Avenue and east of the road leading to the Central Court Trailer Park. It is zoned Commercial Office Residential.
There are two waivers requested: exceeding the 25-foot setback and to parking on the front yard. There would be a total of 23 parking spots and it would generate between 10 and 20 trips during the peak afternoon and morning travel times.
The developer will need a special use permit by the Zoning Board of Appeals for the warehouse portion of the office building and the storage facility.
There is a residential/commercial structure on the site which will be demolished.
The board had questions about an existing curb cut but the Town Designated Engineer, Chuck Voss, call it a “pretty straight forward project.”
The project will need to come back before the board for it to accept the site plan concept and then to give the site plan final approval before construction can begin.