COLONIE — A plan to 4,747-square-foot, two-story, four unit residential structure and a 3,400-square-foot commercial building was tabled by the Planning Board at its last meeting.
“Instead of putting a stamp on the envelop you are trying to put the envelop on the stamp,” said Planning Board member Lou Mion, encapsulating feelings of other board members that the project was too big for the site. “I was out here looking at it and I don’t see it. It is too much on too little.”
The roughly one-acre site is zoned Neighborhood Commercial Office Residential and the project is compliant under the requirements, said Brian Sipperly, of Verity Engineering on behalf of the owner, SY Sim.
“No surprise that the comments are no different than before and it’s not like we didn’t listen,” Sipperly said. “What is important is that this project is 100 percent zoning compliant. The applicant would like to seek a full residential use but not too open to go down the use variance route to do all residential in an NCOR zone. We can go the other way but why would I push for an all commercial use when what I’m hearing from the board is that it’s not an appropriate location.”
He said the residential homes in the area of 609 Boght Road are in the NCOR zone and did request the board table any action rather than voting it down. He said he would talk to the applicant and members of the Planning and Economic Development Department before bringing it back before the board.
There were some changes made from when the project first came before the board in August including adding some amenities for residences and increasing the side setback between the residential building and the commercial building.