Kris Roglieri, president and founder of Prime Commercial Lending in Albany, has been feeling pretty lucky these days and he wants five needy families to feel just as fortunate this holiday season.
“As a private lender, we’re in a fortunate position to really give back to our local community,” said Roglieri. “We understand that especially in these economic times there’s a lot of families struggling but that’s evident when it comes to the holidays.”
Roglieri is asking the community to help him find five unlucky families who could use a pick-me-up. The qualifications are that the family includes young children and has recently suffered some sort of hardship.
Each family will receive a $1,000 gift card to Toys R Us to spend on holiday gifts.
“The number one qualification is that they have small children,” said Roglieri. “We encourage people who know a family in need to please submit a short one or two paragraph write-up on the family and we’ll go through the selection.”
Nominations can be sent to [email protected] through Thursday, Dec. 15. Roglieri expects to announce his selections on Monday, Dec. 19.
“I hope this money will help make the holidays a little brighter for families with little children in our area who need it most,” said Roglieri.
He hasn’t received any nomination emails yet but Roglieri said there are some general scenarios he wouldn’t be surprised to read about.
“Anything from a recent job loss, due to a traumatic event such as a death of ap aren’t in a family that makes it tough for this time of year or it could be a traumatic event like a fire or an event that really caused the family to be displaced,” said Roglieri.
Helping the community is a cornerstone of his business, said Roglieri.
“We’re really focused on our local community and we want to give back,” said Roglieri. “It’s always been our objective to help our local community as much as possible.”
This isn’t the first time he’s used Prime Commerical Lending to make a difference.
“We are a monthly supporter of the Make A Wish Foundation,” said Roglieri. “We’re very active in that.”
He’s also extended a hand across the globe.
“When the tsunami happened [in Japan] there are a couple of clients of ours that have actually experienced great hardship in that area of the world and I put a call in to several other business leaders to raise money to give to the Red Cross and we were successful in doing that,” said Roglieri.
Prime Commercial Lending is a 16-year-old private, non-bank lender that specializes in the area of commercial finance, commercial real estate and general business loans locally and nationwide.
For more information about how to give back, visit and look for the “philanthropy” section.