Organizers of Saratoga’s First Night celebration held each year on New Year’s Eve may now need to find funding for its biggest attraction, the annual fireworks display.
As in years past, the Saratoga County Board of Supervisors had originally set aside the funds for the display that locally rings in the New Year. But at a County workshop in November it was proposed all of the fireworks money be cut from the budget as a cost saving measure.
Joel Reed, executive director of Saratoga Arts, which hosts the event, said the timing of the decision was unfortunate.
“It has already been put in print thanking the county for the donation,” said Reed. “And with only a few weeks to go, I don’t think it will be possible for us to find another single sponsor in time to donate the fireworks, but maybe we can find several businesses willing to chip in.”
Reed said either way the fireworks display will happen because attendees expect them as the grand finale of the night, even if the art’s organization has to pay for it themselves. If that is the case, Reed said it will only take away the organization’s ability to support and develop arts programming for Saratoga County throughout the year.
“It’s an awkward position we find ourselves in right now because of the lateness of the proposal, but we understand the County has tough decisions to make,” he said. “They may look frivolous to some, but if you look at the [night’s] programming as a whole and the impact of putting these shows on to support local art, I think they’re worth it.”
This is the second year Saratoga Arts will host the annual event, which was previously put on by the Saratoga YMCA. The First Night celebration is now in its 16th year, with this year’s theme titled “Art Unleashed.”
First Night Coordinator Jackie Marchand said taking over hosting duties last year seemed like a natural fit.
“It’s taking what we do on a regular basis and presenting it on a larger scale,” she said.
Nearly 14,000 “revelers” attend the event each year. Throughout the night, 85 acts starring hundreds or performers can be seen at 35 locations across the City of Saratoga. It is considered the largest New Year’s Eve event between New York City and Montreal.
The performances are the main attraction.
To find the acts, there is a two-month submission process earlier in the year. Marchand also scouts at local concerts, events, and festivals to seek-out new talent.
“There is a huge variety of talent in the region and we are happy to be able to bring it to the public,” she said, adding how each year is a mix of both new and old performances.
New this year is the Celtic music, comedy, and dance troupe, “The Tatran Terrors.” Marchand said she first noticed their popularity on Youtube and thought they would be a great addition to the event. She said they’re “funny and rowdy, and put on a good show,” explaining the will be a big draw from the many people of Irish and Scottish decent in the region.
“Plus, they wear kilts. Who doesn’t like that?” she said.
Also new is the “Hands-off Arcade,” which will be set-up in the City Center. Invented by professors from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, it is described as “a retro-techno interactive experience, updating the concept of a classical video game arcade to show case the amazing new gaming equipment being developed today.” Marchand said she feels both children and adults will like the “Hands-off Arcade” because it’s more participatory and high-tech than other First Night exhibitions.
The evening also features a 5-Kilometer race at Skidmore College and submissions are still being taken for Saratoga Bb, a collaborative music and spoken word project by Darren Solomon, developed by contributions from users.
Read said First Night encourages families to spend the holiday together “in a wholesome, safe, and exciting atmosphere that emphasizes community-wide creative engagement and the importance of arts within the region,”
Admission buttons can be purchased for $15 at various locations across the Capital District and online. Anyone with a button will have free access to CDTA buses running throughout the city to ensure safe travel home.
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