Don’t feel like cooking this Saturday? There are a few options open that could make a difference for area organizations.
The Journey United Church of Christ will be holding a pancake breakfast to benefit the Engeye Health Clinic in Uganda, one of the missions the church supports, at 11 a.m. Nov. 7 at the church, 500 Kenwood Avenue.
Engeye Board member Misty Richards will be the guest speaker at the pancake breakfast fundraiser to talk about the mission and progress of the Engeye Health Clinic. Proceeds from the pancake breakfast fundraiser will be used to help Sara Weinman, Journey church member and a co-founder of the Engeye Teen Connection, with the travel costs for her February trip to the Engeye Health Clinic
For brunch, Capital Region Special Surgery is hosting an event to benefit the Race for Hope 2.
Seatings at 11 a.m., noon and 1 p.m. will be held at Creo Restaurant, 1475 Western Avenue, Albany. Food will be prepared by celebrity chef Andrew Plummer.
Tickets for the event are $25 and proceeds will benefit patient services at St. Peter’s Hospital Cancer Care Center, as well as the Ronald McDonald House Charities of the Capital Region.
Call 482-8200 to order tickets.`