The North Colonie Central School District Board of Education swore in Mary Nardolillo as its new board president and Linda Harrison as vice president at its annual organizational meeting on Thursday, July 9.
The board voted Nardolillo into the seat, replacing former Board President Joan Hart, who held the seat for the past three years, by a show-of-hands vote.
It’s really an honor to be supported by such a fine group of people, Nardolillo said, upon accepting the nomination.
Hart will be serving her sixth year on the board and said she is looking forward to serving on the board in a new role.
After she was sworn in, Hart passed the gavel to her right, where Nardolillo, who was elected to her second five-year term this past May, sat. Nardolillo presided over the remainder of the meeting.
`Thank you for your patience while I go through this for the first time,` she told the audience.
Nardolillo opened the floor for nominations for the vice president’s seat, at which time two nominations were made: one for Linda Harrison and another for Paula D’Orazio. When it came time to vote, of the nine-member board, six voted for Harrison and three voted for D’Orazio.
After the meeting, Harrison said that whether she was voted into the seat or D’Orazio, `it was going to work out well.`
Harrison, who has been on the board for four years of a five-year term, said she is excited to be a part of such a wonderful district and great board. Harrison taught in the district for 34 years before becoming a member og the board.
She said she will do her best to bring her knowledge and experience to the board and bring continued quality in education to the students of the district.
Also at the meeting, Superintendent of Schools Randy Ehrenberg was sworn in for the ninth year.
For more on this story, check back at, or read the Wednesday, July 15 print edition of the Colonie Spotlight.