After campaigning all summer, and since last winter for some, it all comes down to the Tuesday, Sept. 9, primary for the seven candidates vying for retiring Congressman Michael McNulty’s seat in the 21st District.
At the end of the day, one Democrat and one Republican will fight to be the area’s new representative after McNulty’s 20-year tenure. McNulty’s early announcement that he was retiring last year led to a substantial amount of interest in the seat, with as many as 10 candidates in the running at one time.
The Democratic-dominated district encompasses seven counties: Albany, Schenectady, Schoharie, and Montgomery counties, as well as parts of Fulton, Rensselaer, and Saratoga counties.
Republicans James Buhrmaster, a Schenectady County legislator, and entrepreneur businessman Steven Vasquez will face off in their party’s primary.
On the Democratic ticket there will be five candidates on the ballot: Albany County legislator and Colonie Democratic chairman Phil Steck was the first to announce his candidacy for McNulty’s seat, followed by former Sen. Hillary Clinton aide and attorney Tracey Brooks. Former Congresswoman Kirsten Gillibrand aide Darius Shahinfar then threw his hat into the ring.
It wasn’t until later in the race that Paul Tonko, a former state assemblyman and former CEO of NYSERDA, finally announced he would run for McNulty’s seat after months of speculation and denial by the state’s former energy chairman.
Then, shortly before state petitions were due, conservative Democrat Joseph Sullivan decided to make a go of it himself. Sullivan, a former Albany City Republican chairman, made the deadline and survived a petition challenge to make the final cut on the ballot for Tuesday’s primary.
Spotlight Newspapers invited all of the candidates to participate in a survey and questionnaire in order to shed some light on their candidacy as voters head to the polls on Tuesday, Sept. 9.
The survey included a rank of five specific priorities, with one being the first and most important; how the candidates grade the current congress; their pick for president; religion; campaign staff size; if political experience is necessary to run for congress; and their annual salary.
The candidates, in alphabetical order, responded as follows:
Tracy Brooks, D-Coeymans
I’m running for Congress to undo the damage done by George Bush and stand up to the Republicans in Washington, to take on the special interests who stand in the way of change, and to make our government accountable again to our families, our communities and to the people, Brooks said.
Brooks, 38, an attorney who worked as regional director for Clinton, campaigned in all seven counties of the district in seven days one week after she announced her candidacy in February.
She leads the pack in fundraising and said her top priorities are the economy, the war, health care and the cost of living. Brooks has received several major endorsements, including Congresswoman Carolyn B. Maloney; Albany Mayor Gerald Jennings; McNulty’s father and former Green Island Mayor, Jack McNulty; McNulty’s sister, Green Island Mayor Ellen McNulty Ryan; and many others.
On McNulty, Brooks said, `His long-lasting legacy will be one as an honest, compassionate, hardworking advocate for the people of the Capital Region.`
Her one criticism: `Recently, I disagreed with Congressman McNulty’s original position on the so-called Iran blockade amendment, which I opposed from the start.`
She also recently gave a speech at the Democratic National Convention in Denver, and often touts herself as the pro-choice candidate who will go to Washington and fight for women’s right to choose.
`People across the Capital Region are telling me they’re hungry for change. They’re tired of the same old talk from the same old politicians,` said Brooks. `And they’re looking for new leadership who will bring about REAL change.
I’m the only candidate in this race who has the experience and represents real change.`
Priorities: Health care; economy; energy; war on terrorism; campaign finance reform
Congress: C
President: Barack Obama
Religion: Catholic
Campaign workers: 1,000 registered volunteers, seven paid staff
Need experience to run: No
Salary: $60,000
Campaign Web site:
James Buhrmaster, R, C-Scotia
`Congress is broken. Regardless of which party is in the majority, Congress has a record of producing bitter partisan gridlock instead of results, and all of us are worse off because of it,` Buhrmaster said. `We all pay taxes and expect results from our government. Right now, we’re doing more than our part by paying the taxes, but Congress has been pretty weak on the results side on a number of very significant issues.`
Buhrmaster, 62, head of Buhrmaster Energy Group and a Schenectady County legislator, said that ever since he announced his candidacy in mid-March, he’s been juggling a busy evening schedule. He was unable to appear at one of the congressional debates because of his demanding schedule as a county legislator.
Buhrmaster, who has a history of breaking party ranks with his fellow Republican legislators, has said he will vote in the interest of his constituents, regardless of party affiliation.
On McNulty, Buhrmaster said, `Mike McNulty deserves a lot of credit for his service to the community. I thank him for his work on behalf of the Capital District and for his friendship over the years.`
He did not respond to one thing he has disagreed with McNulty on.
Buhrmaster primarily views himself as a businessman who wants to put an end to a `dysfunctional` federal government. In addition to the Republican ticket, Buhrmaster will also be on the Conservative line in the election.
`I am not a career politician or an aide to career politicians; I am a businessman with a long history of involvement in the community. I know how hard it is to make it in upstate New York, and I know that more taxes will only make that challenge more difficult. That’s why I signed a pledge to not raise income taxes,` Buhrmaster said. `On the other side of the aisle, there are a number of candidates who are instead pushing agendas that will raise taxes. During times like this, we need to make it easier for small businesses and working families to make ends meet, not more difficult.`
Priorities: Economy; Health care; energy; war on terrorism; campaign finance reform
Congress: F
President: John McCain
Religion: Protestant
Campaign workers: `Hundreds of volunteers`
Need experience to run: Abstained
Salary: Abstained
Campaign Web site:
Darius Shahinfar, D-Albany
`I’m running for Congress to renew America’s promise and make America work for working families again. We are the nation of freedom, opportunity and hope, but for too many of us, the American dream is slipping away,` Shahinfar said. `We need to undo the damage the Bush Administration has caused to our standing in the international community, our economy and our rights here at home over the past eight years. Finally, I’m running to ensure that another career politician or lobbyist isn’t sent down to Washington to listen to special interests, but not listen to our interests.`
Shahinfar, 41, an attorney and former regional representative for Kirsten Gillibrand in the 20th District, is a backer of `A Responsible Plan to End the War in Iraq.`
The plan, if passed, would shift military efforts to diplomatic, humanitarian and economic efforts.
Being of Iranian descent, Shahinfar has warned against bully tactics when dealing with an Iranian nuclear treat and believes diplomacy should be used at all costs. He said he wants to return America to a land of opportunity for his children’s sake, like it was for his parent’s generation.
On McNulty, Shahinfar said, `Congressman McNulty’s legacy will be of a dedicated representative with a consistent and reliable constituent service by always having an open door for the people in his district.`
His one criticism of McNulty: `I would not have voted in favor of the resolution authorizing the President to go to war in Iraq.`
He missed one of the Congressional debates to attend his daughter’s birth at Albany Medical Center at the time.
`If we want to change Washington, we need to change who we send there. I’m the only candidate in this race who has signed the Ethics and Good Governance Contract, which refuses to accept gifts or funds from lobbyists and corporate PACs,` Shahinfar said. `I’m also the only candidate who has refused Congressional health benefits until every American has quality, affordable health care. I’ll bring the same work ethic and service that I learned from Congresswoman Gillibrand to our district and make people my special interest. As the un-bought and un-bossed candidate in this race, I’ll be beholden only to you.`
Priorities: Economy; health care; energy; war on terrorism; campaign finance reform
Congress: D
President: Barack Obama
Religion: Dutch Reformed (Protestant)
Campaign workers: 150 (include staff and volunteers)
Need experience to run: No
Salary: $0 (Replied: `$0 Full-time candidate)
Campaign Web site:
Phil Steck, D, I-Colonie
`I believe that we need a community-based person in this office. I am not tied in with any lobbyists or special interests that have obstructed progress in government. This is a change election. If people really want change, we are not going to be able to get there with lobbyist-dominated candidates,` Steck said. `My background as a civil rights attorney, as a County Legislator, and as Colonie Democratic Chairman shows a consistent willingness to push for change. Indeed, no change has been as remarkable as the change we made Colonie.`
Steck, 48, said his campaign is all about grassroots politics and that he will continue fighting for voters locally in order to fight for them nationally.
He pointed to his party defeating the Republican-controlled Colonie town government, even though the town has a high enrollment of Republicans, as a credit to successful grassroots campaigning.
Steck said he would push for single-payer health care in Washington, which he says, `is not posturing,` because he has pushed for it in the Albany County Legislature. Steck also has many local lawmaker endorsements, as well as the backing of the Albany County Democratic Committee.
On McNulty, Steck said, `Mike provided outstanding constituent service and has always been responsive to the needs of our local communities.`
His one criticism: `I am 100 percent pro-choice.`
In addition to the Democratic ticket, Steck will also appear on the Independence line on the ballot Sept. 9.
Sam Perkins, former NBA star, co-captian of the gold-winning 1984 mens’ Olympic basketball team, and Shaker High graduate, also lended his endorsement to Steck.
`At this point in our history, we do not need politics as usual, that is, people who say one thing and do another. My background shows a constant commitment to reform, and I am the only candidate in the race with that type of record. Everyone agrees that our state government has not moved forward in the past 20 years. For example, our state has the 2nd highest energy costs in the nation, which is crippling our upstate economy,` Steck said. `If we are to have progress on this and other issues, we need a Congressman who is thoughtful, committed to reform, and free of the influence of the lobbyists and interests that have caused stagnation in our state government.`
Priorities: Energy; economy; health care; war on terrorism; campaign finance reform
Congress: C-
President: Barack Obama
Religion: Jewish
Campaign workers: `Hundreds of volunteers`
Need experience to run: No
Salary: $100,000 as attorney, $19,000 as county legislator
Campaign Web site:
Joseph Sullivan, D-Albany
`Our survival is on the line in the 2008 election. Who we elect as President, Vice-President and to Congress, will determine our fate. September 11 changed our lives forever; nothing will be the same evermore,` Sullivan said. `Homeland security, emergency/disaster preparedness and maintaining a steady flow of oil, the lifeblood of our economy and way of life, while we adapt to a world where oil will be scarce and expensive, are the priorities. So long as we depend on imported oil our military forces must remain, on station, in the world’s oil producing regions. The troops are not coming home.`
Describing himself as a conservative Democrat, Sullivan, 71, is no stranger to politics after being active during the days of former Democratic Gov. Hugh Carey and former longtime Democratic boss Daniel O’Connor.
Sullivan switched to the Republican Party, even chairing the Albany City Republicans, before recently returning to his Democratic beginnings.
A Navy veteran, Sullivan said national security and continuing the flow of oil that greases the American economy are his main priorities. Without those two things, Sullivan contends, `none of the rest of it matters.`
On McNulty’s, Sullivan said, `Congressman McNulty’s lasting legacy will be his pro-life stance.`
His one criticism: `In contrast to Mike, I am a firm supporter of the Second Amendment right of law abiding citizens to keep and bear arms.`
Often outspoken, he has vowed to run his campaign for Congress, not cash, saying he’s `not going to pay a lot` for McNulty’s old seat.
`I am a veteran, senior citizen and the oldest of the candidates with a clear understanding of the significance of this election to our survival as a nation, and what we must do to survive. My priorities are clearly stated, my platform and issue positions are explicit,` said Sullivan. `I have not raised or spent any money. No politicians, unions or special interests have endorsed me. I will be beholden only to the voters who elect me. If the voters want substance, straight talk, independence, a clear view of what we face and what we must do, campaign reform and term limit ` I am their man.`
Priorities: War on terrorism; energy; economy; health care; campaign finance reform
Congress: F
President: John McCain
Religion: Catholic
Campaign workers: 12
Need experience to run: Yes
Salary: $14,724 (listed `Social Security`)
Campaign Web site:
Paul Tonko, D-Amsterdam
`I am running for congress so that I can bring my experience in representing progressive causes to Washington. Throughout my 25-year legislative career, I have advocated for making investments in our community through better funding for education, responsible energy policy and innovation-oriented economic development,` Tonko said. `I believe that experience leadership in all of these fields is exactly what we need in a Congressional Representative.`
Tonko, 58, is well-known figure in state politics as the longtime assemblyman representing Montgomery and Schenectady counties and former energy chairman of the state. He is also the former CEO and president of NYSERDA.
Tonko says he will bring his energy experience to Washington in order to help combat the nation’s current energy crisis and wean the county off its dependence on foreign oil.
On McNulty, `I believe that Congressman McNulty’s lasting legacy will be his tireless advocacy on behalf of the citizens of our district, especially demonstrated with the resurgence of the Watervliet Arsenal.`
His one criticism: `My main disagreement with Congressman McNulty is his position against a woman’s right to choose.`
He has listed several issues of concern during his campaign including energy, education, the war in Iraq, health care, immigration and the nation’s tax policy. Some of his endorsements include congressmen Maurice Hinchey and Eliot Engel, as well as powerful union endorsements such as the state’s Public Employees Federation (PEF) and Civil Service Employees Association (CSEA).
Tonko has also received the endorsement of the Working Families Party and the New York League of Conservation Voters. Long-time area Assemblyman Jack McEneny, D-Albany, has also lended his endorsement to Tonko.
`The citizens of the 21st Congressional District should support me because I will be an experienced and effective advocate for their interests in Washington. I have experience as a New York State Assemblyman fighting for change, and experience reaching out to fellow lawmakers to build the coalitions that makes change possible,` Tonko said. `I am different from the other candidates because I am an engineer, and a nationally recognized expert on energy. I have the technical expertise to help Congress fashion a national energy policy that is focused on conservation, efficiency, and renewable energy sources while lessening our dependence on foreign oil.`
Priorities: Economy; energy; health care; war on terrorism; campaign finance reform
Congress: C
President: Barack Obama
Religion: Roman Catholic
Campaign workers: Over 300 staff and volunteers
Need experience to run: Yes
Salary: $0
Campaign Web site:
Steven Vasquez, R-Ballston Lake
`I am running to represent you and restore responsibility and accountability to our government,` Vasquez said. `With an MBA and Masters of Engineering from RPI and starting a successful technology business that created jobs in the district, I know how to get a great deal done with few resources, unlike our government, and together we can change that.`
A self-declared fiscal conservative, Steven Vasquez, 33, is CEO and founder of the Tech Valley company ReQuest. He said he hopes to take the attitude of a businessperson to Congress, and he’ll focus on putting an end to rising taxes if elected.
On McNulty, Vazquez said, `McNulty will be remembered for his long record of public service and being admired by the people of the 21st District.`
His one criticism: `As chair of the Social Security subcommittee, we all are disappointed that McNulty did not make it a national topic that Congress loots up to $150 billion a year from the Social Security and Medicare Trust Funds, which is the equivalent of stealing from Americans pension funds.`
Vasquez lives just outside the boundaries of the 21st District, but said he would move into the district if elected. He added he doesn’t feel living outside of the 21st will hurt his chances to win his party’s primary.
Vasquez said he believes that America’s time as a world police `has come and gone,` and that the nation needs to focus more on it own domestic problems rather then the problems of other nations.
`With the economy falling and unemployment rising, we need a representative with business experience to strengthen the dollar and combat poverty and inflation. Irresponsible deficit spending has brought the debt to $10 Trillion in 2009, and over $53.3 trillion when the unfunded obligations of Social Security and Medicare are included,` Vasquez said. `This is over $400,000 per household that our children will pay for the rest of their lives. America was built on sweat, not debt. We can restore America’s industrial and morale greatness by balancing the budget, stop wasting money overseas, and follow our oaths to obey and uphold the Constitution.`
Priorities: Economy; health care; energy; war on terrorism; campaign finance reform
Congress: F
President: Bob Barr
Religion: Christian
Campaign workers: 42 `active volunteer`
Need experience to run: No
Salary: $60,000
Campaign Web site: