If you think a birdie, a bogie, and an eagle are animals of the sky, or if your ideal day ends playing the back nine, then either way, this golf event is for you.
Seasoned golfers and I have never played in my life golfers are invited to the Sadie Hawkins Golf Mixer on Friday, Aug. 22. Registration has begun for the women’s charity event, which will benefit the Thomas P. Morrison Foundation, Women’s Fund of the Capital Region, The Legal Project, and the Quik Flight Air Ambulance Service.
The event will be divided into two tournaments of experienced golfers, and the not-so-experienced golfers, or as organizer Melody Burns puts it, the `OK, this is a club` golfers.
`I’m not a golfer, I just started. For years I couldn’t see what all the excitement was about chasing this little ball around, but now I’m hooked,` Burns said. `This gives them the opportunity to say, ‘OK, this is a club,’ and even if you have to swing at the ball 25 times to hit it, it’s a fun time.`
A sizable list of current sponsors includes the Colonie Chamber of Commerce, Crossgates Mall, Panera Bread and the Capital District Women’s Bar Association, which described the fundraiser as a `girls only` golf tournament.
The event will be held at the Mill Road Acres in Latham and all 18 holes of the course will be a part of the fundraiser, with the non-golfers on the front nine and experienced golfers on the back nine, according to Burns.
The golfers themselves, depending on their play, will choose which of the four main beneficiaries of the golf outing gets the lion’s share of the money raised.
The Thomas P. Morrison Foundation was created in order to provide financial support to children and families of children suffering from metabolic disorders and similar rare diseases and conditions.
The Women’s Fund of the Capital Region has a mission to promote `the independence, growth, and self-determination of women and girls by supporting projects that create systemic change and move women and girls toward financial stability and independence.`
The Legal Project is a private, not-for-profit organization, founded by the Capital District Women’s Bar Association in 1995. It provides a variety of free and low-cost legal services to the working poor, victims of domestic violence and other underserved individuals in the Capital District.
Quik Flight is an on-demand private aircraft charter and air ambulance company with administrative offices in the Albany International Airport.
`I have women coming all the way from Orange and Rockland counties,` Burns said. `Besides being a great opportunity to network with other business women, it will be a fun way to help other organizations.`
Registration costs $100, and a tee-sign will also cost $100. Corporate and business sponsors can be a part of the event for a flat $250 sponsorship fee and be included on all literature and forms and have a tee-sign.
The event includes lunch; `a goody bag`; nine holes of golf; carts or pull carts; beverages on the course; contests; raffles; and photos of each foursome.
The Colonie Chamber of Commerce is sponsoring the registration, which begins at the golf course at 11:30 a.m. A `golf clinic` will be held for non-golfers at noon, with that group taking to the course at 12:30 p.m. Experienced golfers will begin at 1:15 p.m., and the event will be followed by a cocktail hour.
Lisa Giruzzi is helping Burns put on the event. The two are holding the event in lieu of their monthly business mixer in Glenmont.
For more information on sponsorship, registration forms, or donations, call Melody Burns at 527-5663 or [email protected].“