“And the People Stayed Home”
By Kitty O’Meara
A thoughtful poem about the pandemic, quarantine and the future that conveys an optimistic message about the meaning to be found in our shared experience of the coronavirus and the possibility of profound healing for people and the planet. Tra Publishing
“The Couch Potato”
By Jory John; Illustrated by Pete Oswald
The Couch Potato has everything he needs within reach of his sunken couch cushion. But when the electricity goes out, he is forced to venture outside. And when he does, he realizes fresh air and sunshine could be just the things he needs. HarperCollins
By Jan Brett
Cozy is the softest musk ox in Alaska, with the warmest fur you ever did feel. When a storm hits while he’s separated from his family, he starts to feel lonely – but not for long. As the snow piles up, animals start to notice just how warm and cozy Cozy really is! G.P. Putnam’s Sons Books for Young Readers