To the Editor,
In early December we, the public, in the Town of Bethlehem will get a chance to vote “yes” or “no” on a $36 million dollar library renovation.
About 5 years ago a survey was conducted by the Bethlehem Public Library where the patrons were asked what the library could do to improve the user experience.
The survey results provided some suggestions e.g., improve the children’s room, have a space for teenagers, create more space for events and improve the collection, among other minor things.
BPL then took these suggestions and instead of internally making some improvements, contacted an architectural firm with some of these ideas. Of course, architects being architects, they developed an extensive master plan for the library.
Over the ensuing 5 years other specialists were contracted to develop additional reports of the “shortcomings” of the library and finally last year another architect published plans to renovate the building entirely.
All town residents were invited to the library to examine the plans, proposals, drawings and
several events featured Architects, Planners, Designers and Engineers.
The Bethlehem Public Library spent $2,000,000 on these studies. I have read several of them.
After informing myself as best I could I’m beginning to question the whole process. Yes, we were invited to comment at meetings and presentations about how to solve the library’s percieved “problem” and yes we were told that the existing library was no longer good enough and we would have to spend $36 million dollars to “fix” the “problem”.
But why weren’t we consulted 2 or 3 years ago when the library administration decided to hire consultants to come in and scrutinize every aspect of the library and look for problems.
And why weren’t we told that to “fix” the library it was going to require a complete renovation, a demolition project, a year of heavy construction work, all with attending noise and disruption and that they were going to demolish much of the current exterior at a cost of $36 million dollars.
I for one, think the present library is a beautiful building with good lighting, good design, well lit meeting rooms, nice landscaping, sufficient space and stands out as a landmark in our community.
It is a mid century post-modern style building and one of the most beautiful libraries in the County.
I think this $36 million dollar project is a boondoggle.
Terrence Rooney, Delmar