Kristen Roberts
Public information officer, Bethlehem Public Library
Residence: Guilderland
What kind of music have you been listening to?
I have Spotlify and Pandora stations for every mood; I like all kinds of music. My most-listened to stations tend to be Shoegazer, Art Blakey and Today’s Indie Hits. Sometimes, though, I really miss hearing an album in its entirety, so I’ve got Neko Case’s “Fox Confessor Brings the Flood” and Kurt Vile’s “Walkin on a Pretty Daze” in the car for my commute. Oh, and I just borrowed R.E.M.’s “Green” from the library for nostalgia’s sake.
What TV shows have you been watching lately?
I love “Silicon Valley,” but I hate that I can’t binge watch it. And I can’t wait for the next season of “The Expanse” on SyFy.
What books have you been reading lately?
I just finished “The Bone Clocks” by David Mitchell, and now I’m reading “My Real Children” by Jo Walton. I work at a library, so it’s easy to find myself buried in books!
What was the last movie you saw?
I saw “10 Cloverfield Lane” on DVD this weekend, but the last movie I saw in the theater was “Captain America: Civil War.” My family had been powering through the whole Avengers canon in the past few weeks to get caught up.
What are some of your hobbies?
I like to garden, and while I don’t exactly have a green thumb, I make up for it with enthusiasm. I also like to read and cook.
Describe your dream vacation.
If all goes as planned, my family and I will be taking it next year! We’re hoping to get a sleeper cabin on the train to Montana to visit my family, as well as Glacier and Yellowstone national parks. Someday, I’d like to go to Iceland, too.
If there is one person, dead or alive, you would want to meet, who would it be and why?
I have always lived in older homes, and I think it would be fascinating to meet the people who lived there before me, going back generations to see how they used the same space.