Thanks to a reciprocal agreement between our local Upper Hudson Library System (UHLS) and the Mid-Hudson Library System (MHLS), even more online borrowing options are now available for affiliated library users. UHLS patrons accessing the OverDrive digital collection through the Libby app and the OverDrive website can now access portions of the MHLS eBook, eMagazine and audiobook collection.
Both UHLS and MHLS allow users to borrow up to 10 checkouts at once. Checkouts borrowed from UHLS will not count against the MHLS limit, and vice versa – so users can now borrow as many as 20 items per month. UHLS users will be able to renew checked out MHLS materials, provided no one else is waiting for it. Settings configured in the Libby app will automatically be applied to all library systems linked to the user account.
As always, we’re here to help with any questions you may have about this exciting new partnership, as well as the enhanced Libby app and OverDrive website. Please contact us at 518-456-2400, ext. 3 or [email protected] to ensure you are reaping maximum rewards from your GPL library card.
Baby & Me Yoga
The second installment of our Zoom “Baby & Me Yoga” class for both mothers and their little ones is slated for Monday, March 28, at 2:30 p.m., providing a gentle postpartum way to bond, play, and relax together. Moms will learn stretching techniques geared toward strengthening their core, and babies will benefit from this special time together too. Please sign up on the Events tab of our website for the link to participate.
Baby Activity Kit
Our latest baby activity kit focuses on the benefits of sensory play. It’s well known that playing together helps babies’ brains and bodies grow, and provides opportunities for little ones and their caregivers to bond. Sign up to receive your kit, geared for ages 6-24 months, on the Events tab of our website, then pick it up Tuesday, March 29 through Sunday, April 3.
Night Owls
In a troubled world, how do we hold on to hope? That’s the central question posed by Dr. Jane Goodall and Douglas Abrams in their timely bestseller, “The Book of Hope: A Survival Guide for Trying Times,” published in October, 2021. This work is a deeply personal conversation with Goodall, the world’s most famous living naturalist, and Abrams, co-author of international bestseller “Book of Joy.” Four reasons for hope – the amazing human intellect; the resilience of nature; the power of young people; and the indomitable human spirit – are explored, with inspirational anecdotes from Goodall’s remarkable career supporting the case for steadfast optimism.
Pick up a copy of this book at the library’s Information desk, or arrange for curbside pick up in our lobby by calling 518-456-2400 ext. 3 or emailing [email protected]. Then register on the Events tab of our website for the link to the discussion on Monday, April 11, at 7:30 p.m.
Seeking Board Candidates
Looking to weigh in on library decisions? We’re looking for you! The Guilderland Public Library Board of Trustees currently has four open seats for 2022: two five-year terms; and two one-year terms. Eligible candidates must be U.S. citizens, Guilderland Central School District residents, and at least 18 years of age. Completed paperwork is due by Monday, April 18 for the GPL board candidate and budget vote on Tuesday, May 17. For more information, please request an information packet at our circulation desk, or go to:
GPL Podcast
Our monthly podcast moderated by Librarian Kathleen Tyrrell, “How Did You Find It?,” explores literature, libraries, information, entertainment, and much more. New episodes debut the third Friday of each month. Look for us on all major platforms, and reach out with any comments and suggestions to: [email protected].
General Info
Overdue fines have been eliminated at GPL. Patrons will be billed for the replacement cost of unreturned items.
— Luanne Nicholson Curbside pick up in our lobby is available with 24-hours notice by calling 518.456.2400 ext. 2. Public computers for adults and children are available, and study rooms are partially open. Masks are recommended, but not required. Policies based on current COVID conditions are outlined in our Pandemic Operations Plan, accessible on our website.
Current hours are: Monday – Thursday 9:30 a.m. – 9:00 p.m.; Friday 9:30 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.; Saturday 9:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.; Sunday 1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.