COLONIE – On Thursday, May 5, the town Zoning Board of Appeals will hold a public hearing regarding a proposal to build an automobile dealership and repair shop at the corner of Troy-Schenectady and Mill roads.
The plan was initially rejected by the town’s Building Department Manager because it failed to meet the required 200-foot setback required between land zoned for a single family residence and a commercial building.
Daniel Hershberg appealed the decision to reject a building permit for the 15,500-square-foot DePaula Chevrolet dealership, the 7,500-square-foot service bay and parts department and a 1,728-square-foot car wash.
The dealership would have been built with a 178-foot setback and the repair shop would have been built with a 131-foot setback.
This is the second public hearing on the project held by the ZBA. One resident spoke against the plan at a recent Town Board meeting.
If DePaula does get a variance to build on the site despite not meeting the setback requirements, the project would still need to get Planning Board approvals.