To the Editor:
As a former Bethlehem Highway Superintendent, I write to offer my perspective about the candidates seeking election to be our town’s next Highway Superintendent. I am proud of the work that was accomplished by the Highway Department during my two terms and thankful to have led a group of dedicated highway employees who work hard to deliver important town services. I am also profoundly aware of the opportunities and challenges facing the Highway Department.
Giles Wagoner, a Democrat currently serving on the Town Board, is the only qualified choice to serve as the Town’s next Highway Superintendent, as he is the only candidate that has decades of leadership experience managing a workforce very similar to that of the Highway Department.
Giles has 27 years experience in the United States Army, serving as a military officer with significant management duties.
Giles has paving and construction experience, experience as an airline pilot, and public service credentials that make him the only candidate with the right qualifications for the job.
As a sitting Town Board Member, Giles understands the Highway Department and has the analytical skills to develop and present Departmental budgets, engage in high-level discussions about town infrastructure needs and provide and improve essential services. Neither of the other candidates have the skills in these important areas and neither come close to having the experience necessary to lead the Highway Department.
Importantly, Giles also has the temperament and experience to manage the weather-induced issues that involve middle-of-the night decision making about plowing and salting the roads and decisions about prioritizing services and needs. As a pilot, Giles is used to managing under pressure, which is an essential element for a Highway Superintendent.
The Highway Superintendent position is a vital position to our town and rolling the dice with an unqualified, disgruntled, lackluster laborer or someone without any experience or history of professional credentials or management or leadership experience is not a wise choice. Vote for Giles Wagoner on Row E (a Democrat currently running on the Working Families Party line) on November 7. Giles is the only choice.
Brent Meredith