Editor, The Spotlight:
Think about it, folks.
When the Bethlehem Democratic Committee begins attacking lay citizens for expressing their opinions and exercising their First Amendment right of Freedom of Speech, we are entering a very dangerous time in our history. They are also publicly attacking members of their own party who wish only to participate in the American dream of running for office and being able to have input into the way our government is run and how it treats its own people.
George Harder and Dan Morin are an example of that American tradition of not sitting by while your government gets out of control, and running for office to make changes for the positive in all of our lives. Mistakes made by the Committee [members] are their own fault; let’s put the blame where it belongs.
Any political party attempting to intimidate people into being quiet or withdrawing their names from the ballot under duress is huge threat to our liberty, freedom, and our democracy.
The Bethlehem Democratic Committee is an ELECTED body, therefore, an extension of OUR government.
When OUR government begins to denigrate its own citizens in the interest of getting their cronies elected to public office, they cross the line from democracy to Anarchy.
The Bethlehem Democratic Committee has now crossed that line.
The onion has been peeled back, they have now shown that they do not respect democracy, freedom, and Liberty. The only opinions that they want to see are their own.
Thomas Jefferson said,” When the government fears the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is anarchy”.
We are heading precipitously toward anarchy; people had better wise up.
— Keith Wiggand
Editor’s Note: Keith Wiggand was chairman of the Bethlehem Republican Committee until 2004.