From July 1 thru August 26, patrons of all ages can play summer reading BINGO.
Pick up a new game card at the library, or print one out from the website, every two weeks.
Complete two lines in any direction to win a bookmark, pin or magnet.
Complete the entire card to pick a prize from the prize box.
No registration needed.
Voorheesville Walking Tour
Join Voorheesville Village Historian, Dennis Sullivan, at 10 a.m., Saturday, June 18, and see our village streets as never before.
This walking tour will begin at the Elementary School, and conclude with refreshments at the Rail Trail pavilion on Grove St. Individual registration is required.
Graphic Novel Book Discussion
Register to join our new Graphic Novel Book Discussion.
We will be meeting quarterly, with the first meeting July 13, at 7p.m.
The first graphic novel we’ll be discussing is “The Great Gatsby,” by F. Scott Fotzgerald.
Adults are invited to join in a discussion and offer opinions, ideas and comments on this graphic novel.
This program is funded by the Friends of the Library.
A limited number of copies will be available in print for $5.00. There will also be library copies available as well as digital formats.
June displays
Please be sure to stop in at the library to enjoy our June displays.
In the hall gallery, we have some beautiful abstract paintings by artist Kristine Kelly.
In the display case this month, we have an outstanding seashell collection, shared by Judith Mysliborski and Paula Maniscalco.
To register
Registering: You can register in person, by phone (518-765-2791) or using our online calendar at You do NOT need to be a resident of Voorheesville to attend a program.
— Lynn Kohler