Editor, The Spotlight;
How does the Albany County Legislature hold a public hearing on a local law without providing the correct version of that law to the public? That’s exactly what happened on June 23.
Apparently, there is no requirement to provide the text of the proposed Local Law to the public before a public hearing. Obviously, this makes no sense and needs to be changed. As a result, I have proposed a resolution to require that the exact final text of a proposed law be made accessible on the County website before a public hearing is scheduled.
Further, I have co-sponsored, along with Legislator Travis Stevens of Altamont/Hilltowns, a resolution to have video of legislative committee meetings available on the Albany County website.
The people we represent have the right to know what is being discussed by their representatives. Only then can active constituent participation be possible and encouraged.
This level of transparency is necessary in an open government. Should we expect or accept anything less?
I encourage you to contact your Albany County Legislator and express your support of these “good government” initiatives.
Richard Mendick
Albany County Legislature
36th Legislative District