Editor, The Spotlight;
Plainsmen Jr. Cheerleading League is celebrating 10 seasons as a non-competitive instructional youth program for children in grades 3 through 8 that want to learn important cheerleading skills and techniques.
We celebrated by having our very first Zombie Car Wash and it was a huge success. It was successful because of all the wonderful people and businesses that donated items and time to help us.
At this time I would like to give special thanks to the following:
• Kevin M. Hedley of Hedley & Co., PLLC 1593 Rt. 9 in Clifton Park, for the use of his water and parking lot for the event. Without Kevin we would never have been able to have the Zombie Car Wash.
• Dan Toth, Anthony Thanopolous and Raffele Esposito of Advanced Auto, 2611 2nd Ave in Watervliet, for donation of cleaning supplies.
• Kim Bergmann of Recognize, 1595 Rt. 9 in Clifton Park, for the awesome T-shirts.
• MaryJane Hopeck, Co-owner of MarEle Boutique, for the beautiful jewelry and cheer gloves.
• Heather Gee-Wood of Thirty-One Gifts, for the beautiful bag that was raffled off.
• Melinda Teter of Jamberry, for the great looking nail wraps.
• Nancy Carney, for the yummy candy.
• Gary Blond, president of Plainsmen Jr. Football League, for helping spread the word to our football families.
Another really big thank you goes to Michele DeCicco, for having the dream and making our 10th season a huge success and such a memorable one by assembling such an awesome team.
Thank you to her Zombie Dream Team: Donna Marchewka, Chris Rau, Judy Behan, Zak Sawyer, Bob Newberry, Carol Halpin and Brenda Guirastante. You guys made sure that everyone had a great and safe time.
Cheerleaders, Coaches and parents of the following squads: Braves, Chiefs, Comanches, Mohawks and Warriors — thank you for supplying baked goods, sponges, soap, rags and the time to wash and dry all those cars and the great memories we made on Sept. 28!
To the community, thank you for coming out and supporting Plainsmen Jr. Cheerleading and not letting zombies stop you from having a clean car.
Alexandra Wise-Brogna
President, Plainsmen Jr. Cheerleading League