Editor, The Spotlight;
OK, I am going to say it, and John Clarkson, Patricia Fahy and Neil Breslin are not going to like it.
The Conservation Easement bill that was rammed through the Assembly and Senate and signed by Governor Cuomo can be described in one word: confiscation.
This lousy piece of political craftsmanship was designed to do one thing, and that was to allow for political cover for John Clarkson, who made a huge mistake when he let GAR target landowners for immense tax assessment increases.
The end result is that the Town of Bethlehem wants to control every piece of land in the town. The end result is that this town has become even more unfriendly to business and industry.
It’s part of the record that landowners were targeted right from the start, and we are not going to forget it. Elections have consequences, folks.
Next year, John Clarkson is up, let’s make sure he doesn’t get any more chances to hurt the taxpayer in this town with his politically driven games to play with people’s livelihoods.
Keith Wiggand,