Editor, The Spotlight;
I am writing to encourage you to support Stacy Pettit for Albany County Surrogate’s Court Judge on Primary Day, September 9. Stacy and I have been friends for more than 30 years – through the early days of our careers and marriages, through putting babies in diapers and sending kids off to college and she is one of the kindest, most hard working and caring people I know. Stacy is honorable, compassionate and immensely qualified for this position.
It is important to note that Stacy has made the business of Surrogate’s Court her life’s work and calling, and she is the only candidate running who can say this. In the 16 years Stacy spent in private practice, she concentrated in family estate and trust planning, guardianship as well as Surrogate’s Court litigation. Most importantly, she served 11 years as Chief Clerk of Albany County Surrogate’s Court. This in particular makes her uniquely qualified for the position of Surrogate Court Judge. She knows the logistics of running this court and will be able to organize and work through the backlog of cases that have piled up while waiting for the removal of the previous judge. Stacy has also been a consumer of Surrogate’s Court as co-guardian of her sister. She personally understands the importance of showing compassion and strength while presiding over often emotional and difficult times in people’s lives. Her opponent has no such resume.
As a lifelong Democrat, I am also insulted by the campaign material of Stacy’s opponent in which he calls himself “the only true Democrat” the implication being that Stacy is not a true Democrat. Stacy has, in fact, been a lifelong Democrat who has consistently promised to support progressive values and advance policies of equality and fairness. Ironically, her opponent – the “true Democrat” — actively courted and received the Conservative Party line, a party whose ideology is inconsistent with much of that of the Democratic Party. He ended up rejecting it only out of political expediency. In an ideal world, our judges would be separate from and above politics.
Democracy is all about having choices. Please exercise this right and vote on Primary Day, September 9. When you vote, look at the candidate’s resumes, ignore politics and vote for the most qualified person -Stacy Pettit for Albany County Surrogate’s Court Judge.
Leona Kassoff