Editor, The Spotlight:
I am very dismayed to learn of the possible construction of a multi-use sports park at 969 Watervliet Shaker Road, which is adjacent to Memory Gardens Cemetery and Memorial Park.
Our lives our dominated by sports. Every weekend, all holidays and most evenings are inundated with sports, which take up the majority of TV channels. Now, sports will be interfering with funerals and the peace and quiet of our loved-ones’ final resting places.
The highway system in this area is slow and overcrowded now – and it certainly would not accommodate the increased traffic involved in entering and exiting of the sports park. Late-comers would be parking in Memory Gardens and short-cutting over the graves to the sports park – not only desecrating the graves, but also littering with their trash.
The management of Memory Gardens would have to check with the sports park’s planned activities before scheduling any funerals or other services. Loved ones could not come to pay their respects or sit and meditate in peace and quiet because of the bright lights and loud noises from the sports park.
We all planned for the eternal resting place at Memory Gardens because of the quiet, peaceful beauty of the area. This will all change if the sports park is allowed to be built at 969 Watervliet Shaker Road. There must be other more feasible locations in Colonie for a sports park.
Linda Wagner, of Lockport